Post Entries
How to import WordPress XML files
Apr 23, 2012… or, how I brought an old python code back from the dead!
Inspired by Kenneth Reitz's recent post and spurred by recent events, I decided to turn an old python code I wrote a while back into something that can be (hopefully) easier to get to than by sheer luck.
I’m talking about ChoppedPress, my script that let’s you split WordPress exported XML files into smaller files that can be easily imported into new WordPress installations.
Desculpe Pela Bagunça...
Feb 17, 2012Recentemente eu comecei o processo de migrar o meu blog para o Tumblr, e ao importar os posts antigos do WordPress eu sem querer iniciei uma enxurrada onde certos agregadores estão mostrando posts de 2007… Ontem eu também causei um problema similar no Twitter e Facebook…
Por favor aceite os meus mais sinceros pedidos de desculpas pelo incoveniente… depois escrevo mais sobre a migração para o Tumblr!
Sorry for the noise...
Feb 17, 2012I’ve just recently started migrating my blog to Tumblr, and in the process of importing my archives from WordPress I seem to have caused some issues with certain aggregators that are now picking up posts from 2007… Yesterday I also triggered a massive torrent on both Twitter and Facebook…
Please accept my apologies for the incovenience… more on the Tumblr migration to follow!
Moving WordPress Blog to Amazon's EC2
Feb 16, 2011You probably remember reading about my issues with running my WordPress-based blog on Dreamhost's environment, and how frustrated I was with the experience of using their Private Server services. The short version is that I eventually migrated my blog back to their shared hosting environment, turned off most of the plugins and cried myself to sleep.
The very next day, after reading (and replying to) the comments I received, one in particular caught my eye: Amazon’s Free Usage Tier offering new customers the following EC2 services each month for one year:
I screwed up!
Feb 16, 2005I officially screwed up my site!!! I completely fucked it up!!! It turns out the instructions on how to upgrade WordPress to version 1.5 are incorrect and I ended up deleting ALL of my posts! Hopefully I can get a copy of the most recent backup, assuming there is one to get! I know some of you are probably saying: “Hey idiot!!! Did you remember to back up everything before upgrading?