Post Entries
Google Satellite
Apr 05, 2005
Amazing upgrade to the already amazing Google Maps site. Don’t really know when it was implemented but you can now switch from the map view to a real satellite view, down to the street level! I can only imagine the day you’ll be able to have a live feed of traffic conditions via satellite on your web browser of choice!
I was really bad over this weekend… I not only had a cup of (gasp!) Star Bucks coffee but I also managed to convince my wife that we deserved a new flat LCD monitor to replace our existing 17-inch. We finally settled (well, actually I settled for it… she wasn’t too thrilled about it… hehe) for a 20.1-inch Sony model. Its UXGA 1600 x 1200 resolution is amazing!!! I have so much space on my screen now… I also managed to update the driver for my G-Force 5200 card adding the final touch to a great system.
April Fool Jokes
Apr 01, 2005
Ha! Planet Gnome and Planet KDE have played their April Fools trick on me today. Apparently they’ve switched their DNS entries (or whatever it is that is required) so that people visiting Planet Gnome will be directed to Planet KDE (but the URL still says and vice-versa! I refreshed my page a couple of times untill I realized what had happened! Good one guys! Update: Just noticed that Planet Debian has changed their Debian logo for an Ubuntu's.
Bigger GMail
Apr 01, 2005
I’m really loving this “war” between Google and Yahoo, battling to see who attracts more users. I think we, the “middle man,” will only gain in the end. Today Google announced they’re increasing everyone’s gmail account to a whopping 2GB!!! Also, they’ve added the ability to write emails using rich text features, such as: Bold, Italics, Underline, Select a special font, Font Size, Font Color, Background Color, Remove Formatting, Hyperlink Text, Numbered List, Bulleted List, Indent Less, Indent More, Quote Text, Left Align, Center Align, Right Align.
Mar 30, 2005
A few new entries to my daily reading list: Planet Perl Planet Gentoo Kernel Planet MAKEĀ : Blog
I wanted to change some code I had written last week so that an ::google(“overloaded constructor”, “overloaded constructor”):: would call the default constructor. This is usefull when you have to perform an initialization to a class member no matter what constructor is called during the class' initialization. I faintly remembered Java’s Base and SuperBase(?) syntax and tried several combinations of this and base keywords. Nothing seemed to work… That’s when I came across this post which gave me the answer:
El Robot
Mar 30, 2005
My sister had told me about this when she called to wish us a happy Easter. She was very excited about it and thought I’d feel the same. For those of you who don’t read any “geek news” or avoid any conversations that don’t relate to music videos or movies: Wired magazine published an article in this month’s issue about “How four underdogs from the mean streets of Phoenix took on the best from M.