Post Entries
vim like Microsoft Originally uploaded by omaciel. Ever wondered what would happen if Clippy, the annoying Microsoft Office animated “helper” joined the Open Source movement? Well, wonder no more!
Windows Security
Apr 15, 2005
Originally uploaded by omaciel. This goes to say that a picture is worth a thousand words!
cowboy_hats_20050411 Originally uploaded by omaciel. When not cranking out code for the Gnome or Mono projects, these guys like to do what every normal Open Source developer does when they have some free time: Hang out at the OK Corral.
Apr 13, 2005
Today I actually enjoyed work!!! Do you have any idea how hard it is for me to mention “work” and “enjoy” together? I haven’t done it since early 2002 when I worked for the now defunct Synaptic Pharmaceuticals!!! I spent most of the day working on a new VB.NET application for work (something very small and simple for XML generation) and my C# (soon to become Mono) rss reader. It feels absolutely great to be back in the groove of coding!
If you thought Google Maps was cool, wait ‘til you see this! It’s Craigslist on steroids!
This month’s Northern NJ Linux MeetUp meeting had the highest attendance so far since I became the organizer: 7, including myself and our guest speaker Mako. He was kind enough to accept my invitation to visit and tell us about his work with Ubuntu and Debian Linux. I think everyone had a good time! Mako seems to be a really nice guy and was more than willing to answer our questions.
Benjamin Mako Hill
Apr 07, 2005
It’s official!!! I have arranged for Benjamin Mako Hill, Debian and Ubuntu Linux package maintaner/contributer, to attend our next Northern New Jersey Meetup meeting this Monday 11th, 2005! I have asked him to talk about Ubuntu Linux and also his involvement with Debian. This should be a very interesting meeting for everyone and I urge everyone to show up! Make sure to reserve your spot so I have a good idea of how many people will be present.