Post Entries
Miss TechTV? Not Me!!!
Jul 07, 2005Read some nostalgic posts about the now defunt tv show The Screen Savers. It made it sound like it was a great show! PUAH! TSS was an interesting show back in the pre-Sarah-and-Kevin-and-hottie-girls-wearing-mini-skirts era! During the last 2-3 seasons of its existence they completely lost its charm, switching from a simple show that was actually helpfull to the computer illiterate or novice, to a super commercialized show. Almost all of their reviews and segments involved some type of commercial application and some of the new members showed complete ignorance of the material they were supposedly covering.
The Violent Cycle
Jul 07, 2005Dom Lachowicz's post about this morning's London terrorism acts touched upon a very delicate subject: how other countries perceive the United States. I agree with almost every one of his sacarsm-filled bulletted reasons why “they” hate “us” but in the end I think his emotions got the best of him:
"Try walking a mile in their shoes. If I were in a Saudi’s shoes, I might want to blow shit up.
Awkward Places To Run Into Your Job Interviewer
Jul 06, 2005Another gem from Piled Higher and Deeper comic! It reminded me of my last job interview… Right before I was interviewed by “the boss” I asked to use the restroom. “Sure,” he said. “I also need to go.” So there we were standing side by side making small talk… Now THAT was awkward!
Jul 05, 2005Spent some time hacking my new app during the holidays… Also did some tweaking on my laptop… Figured I’d show a screenie here… So, without further ado…
Easy Day
Jul 01, 2005It was a pretty easy day today. Made the best out of my new freedom by listening to Radio Paradise all day along. Also did some serious hacking on my new, upcoming application… Life is good! Looking forward to doing some more hacking over the weekend and BBQ’ing. Will also try to rack up some more levels with my WoW character.
Freed At Last!
Jun 30, 2005FREE NON-PROXY WIFI ACCESS AT WORK, thanks to my buddy kaegis!!! Woot!!!
Honest or Stupid?
Jun 30, 2005Today I went for a job interview for a company about 35 miles West of where I live. The interview was scheduled for 10am and I was to meet the recruiter outside the building 15 minutes before the scheduled 2 hour ordeal. It took me about 30 minutes to get there and for the next 15 minutes the sales rep gave me a pep talk about the company and position.