Post Entries
View From Work
Aug 07, 2005
Took this picture the day before my surgery. Laptop running Ubuntu Linux allows me to browse with more freedom…
Weekend Update
Aug 07, 2005
After enjoying several days of free wi-fi hotspots pretty much every where I went, my mom’s neighbor finally turned the WEP on and I spent a un-wired Friday afternoon. Took the time to do some reading and watched some tv. Went home Saturday morning and found out my main computer’s power supply had gone kaput… Luckly there is a computer supply store literally around the block and $40 later I was back on business.
Lazy Summer Day
Aug 04, 2005
Spent a uneventful and quiet day with my dad. Played a bit of tennis in the park and had BBQ for lunch. Got an email from a friend who got free wi-fi while on the beach in Atlantic City. Bastard! :) I’m still a bit sore but managed to catch some quality Zs last night. My younger sister is in town so it should be a fun weekend.
Literally! Spent an agonizing sleep-less night after my surgery yesterday. My keloids were removed with a CO2 laser and whatever if left of my earlobes feel as if I had deep fried them in boiling sulfuric acid! Drinking an extremely cold Cappuccino Blast from Donkey Donuts helped a bit but later in the evening it was a mix of 2 extra stregth Tylenols + 1 Motrin that helped ease the pain.
Am here at my dad’s awaiting the time for my surgery (scheduled for later today at 2pm) and doing some surfing, thanks to some kind neighbor and his/her open hot spot. ;) Brought (my dad) my old Lynksis router so he can have some piece of mind against the kiddies. Will hopefully switch to our own wi-fi soon…
Time Off
Aug 01, 2005
Having spent the last week doing some actual work and preparing for a presentation at work, I’m now taking some time off so I can take care of myself. Tomorrow I will undergo a small procedure to remove some growth from my earlobes (called keloids, due to the piercing of my ears during my teens) and will spend the rest of the week at home, trying to get back in shape.
Just taking Drivel for a spin! So far it seems to work. Just make sure to choose MovableType as your journal type and use as the url.