Post Entries
Shopping Spree
Aug 23, 2005
Right before I succumbed to some major infection and spend most of my Sunday and Monday in bed in agonizing pain and fever, I managed to buy a few things: Band of Brothers (DVD set) - Finally managed to buy it! Back in February while attending Linux World in Boston, I watched the first 7 1/2 episodes at Supertoadman’s house. About 3 weeks ago I mustered enough courage to cough up the $100+ for the set only to forget to pick it up at the register.
Google announced today their new tool Sidebar, “a panel on your desktop which provides convenient, one-glance access to all sorts of personalized information." It looks nice but I won’t be able to try it out since they didn’t bother to create a Linux version! You’d think that at least Google would have considered the open source community. This really blows but I’ll survive.
Down in the dumps
Aug 18, 2005
Once again, I see my chance of relocating to Chapel Hill, NC crumble down at the last second… This time around the prospect was much better than the previous one: same compensation as I have now at a fast-paced software development company. I even had all the required skills! What really ticks me is that after the initial phone blitz from the recruiter he just left me hanging for 3 days… until I emailed him to pretty much say “throw me a friggin' bone here!
Feedster Registered
Aug 17, 2005
Title says it all. No Need to Click Here - I’m just claiming my feed at Feedster
Hockey Advocate
Aug 16, 2005
Now that all those clowns from the NHL have come to terms with their differences and a new hockey season has been confirmed for this Fall, I can officially announce the creation of my brand new blog: Hockey Advocate! This is the realization of a long-term dreamof mine for I’m a complete hockey fanatic and always wanted to have a web site dedicated to the sport. Being I die-hard New Jersey Devils fan, chances are most of my posts will be related to their affairs but I’ll try to live up to the blog’s title and add comments about “the other teams.
Pictorial Weekend
Aug 15, 2005
..image:: ..image:: ..image:: ..image:: ..image:: ..image:: ..image:: ..image::
Amazing Wallpapers
Aug 12, 2005
Absolutely amazing wall papers at VladStudio Companion. My 20.1' Sony monitor now looks more like an art piece than anything. I highly recomend it! Check out my current desktop below: