Post Entries
Comic Buddy\# Reborn?
Aug 26, 2005
Been talking to someone from work quite extensive about Linux, Mono and C# these last 4 days. So much in fact that I looked back at my old pet project, Comic Buddy#. This had been a VB6 application I had written several years ago to allow me to browse all/any Calvin and Hobbes or Garfield comic strip that were (back then) freely available online. These comics, together with many others are still housed and fiercely maintained by a group (the company name and web site url left out on purpose) that has recently changed their policies concerning the viewing of said strips.
Office Space
Aug 26, 2005
Legend: Ship’s Captain - The V.P. for a certain local organization. Slave Master - Works for the Ship’s Captain. Has the ability to send shivers down the spines of most slaves and turn her Pacers into docile puppies. Pacer - Works for the Slave Master, mostly by pretending to control the Slaves and licking the Slave Master’s feet with their bifurcated tongues. Slaves - Bottom dwellers at said “ship.” Spend their days avoiding the “ship’s staff” and minding other Slaves' business.
Just because I’m a geek and the guys at p.d.o. are doing it… ;)
During one of those lucid moments of spontaneous philosophical discussions I have with my wife while driving to work, I came up with the following question: Assuming you follow Christianity’s point of view about the creation of the world and human kind, you most likely know that God gave life to Adam and Eve, Earth’s first inhabitants. They proceeded to follow his advice of propagating the race and gave birth to 3 kids (I believe they were all of masculine gender).
I forgot to add 2 other items purchased during said shopping spree: The Shins - Chutes Too Narrow: I wanted to buy their album ever since I heard 2 of their songs in the soundtrack CD for “Garden State”. Good listening! Bluegrass Today: I confess… I’m addicted to bluegrass music!!! There, you’re happy???
Linux 14th Birthday
Aug 24, 2005
Tomorrow will be the 14th anniversary of the birth of Linux!
After the first shock-wave caused by the announcement of Google Talk and the lack of a client for non-Microsoft operating systems, I’m glad to inform that you’ll be able to join in the fun using some of the other supported open source clients. Since I use Gaim for all my instant messenger needs, here's the info on how to set it up.