Post Entries
Sep 20, 2005Yesterday I caught a huge break (my daughter fell asleep much earlier than usual) and was able to watch some of the Giants x Saints game, as well as catch the first episode of the new tv show Surface. Though I’m not too much into tv shows and only selectively watch a few shows (Scrubs, Seinfeld and Frasier re-runs, Futurama, Whose Line Is It? Fresh Prince, among others), the preview teasers for Surface had me salivating with anticipation.
Once upon a time
Sep 19, 2005Here’s a picture of yours truly at age ~10-11 (I’m the guy in the middle). My younger sister (the one wearing green) decided to “baptize” her doll and convinced our mom to “throw a party”… and that’s what she got!!! I was the “priest” and the “couple” to the left were the “godparents.” We had lots of real food and drinks… everything decorated too!!!
Man, how great were those days! Not a single worry on my mind and lots of playing time!
Thanks Mr. President
Sep 14, 2005Thanks to our President visiting NYC for that U.N. meeting “thing,” it only took me one extra hour to make it to work! Since our company’s policy doesn’t allow us to “make up” for lost time by staying late or coming in earlier, his visit just cost me 1 hour off my salary!
For Geeks Only
Sep 11, 2005King of the Hill
Sep 09, 2005365 Days of Captivity
Sep 08, 2005Yesterday I completed my first year of work at this NYC departmental agency… That’s 365 days of 2-3 hours commute… approximately $11 parking, $10.50 tolls daily… 365 days having to buy this watered down, taste-like-piss liquid they insist in calling coffee… 365 days of being constantly reminded (directly and indirectly) that I don’t belong here and am “just a consultant” with no rights or say in anything… and worse of all, 365 days of getting home very tired and not being able to enjoy the few hours I have (from around 7pm to 10pm) with my young daughter and wife!
Gtk\# Hacking
Sep 08, 2005Spent my lunch break doing (finally) some Gtk# / Mono hacking today. I basically started porting a Window program I’ve been tinkering with to remind me of my bills. So far it’s been a lot of fun! Hope to be able to find more time and even spend some time on IRC to pick up a few tricks.