Post Entries
Visual Studio 2005 Launch
Oct 07, 2005Got my reservation for Dec. 1st… Should be very interesting! Not to mention they’ll be giving out FREE copies of it too to all attendees! =)
Installing Debian by Edd Dumbill
Oct 06, 2005Edd Dumbill’s article on how to install Debian is worth to check… and for a quick recipe-like instruction, check out (shameless plug) my article “Installing Debian For The Faint Of Heart.”
Stephan Hermann\'s influence
Oct 06, 2005… or, how I finally got off my butt and became more involved with the open source community.
It was not long ago, during one of my recent rants about open source not always being open to non-contributors, that I first heard of Stephan Hermann. He had written something that really clicked with my way of thinking, and shortly after exchanging some emails/posts replies I was convinced that it was about time I got more involved with the community.
Geek\'s Supermarket?
Oct 04, 2005Is Less Better?
Oct 04, 2005I’ve been following a very interesting discussion that has taken place these last few days on Planet Debian about application usability and how much information exposed to a user is too much. In one end you have Axel Beckert (with some commentary support by Wouter) talking about how some of the new changes made to the Galeon web browser have actually “crippled it” for the more “advanced” user. On the other side of the “rink” is Erich Schubert, who believes that most users are not interested in seeing every possible configuration option a web browser has to offer.
Boom Baby!
Oct 03, 2005Am now officially part of the Ubuntu Brazilian Portuguese Translators!!! And it only took me a few days of bothering the team administrator on #ubuntu-br and some 281 translations too… ;)
Ticket to Ride
Oct 03, 2005For the third time in my life I got a traffic ticket this past Friday. Now, I know I was wrong and parked under a sign that clearly stated no one was allowed to park on that side of the street until 6pm (it was 5:30pm when I pulled up to pick up my daughter from school). But $60 for parking on an empty side street, without blocking any garages, fire hydrants, or important land mark?