Post Entries
Dear Clint Adams… What should we do when our children decide that they don’t want to go to school or eat their fibers? Call the police as well? Tsk, tsk… Don’t you know your momma always knows better?
Name meaning Meme
Oct 19, 2005
Og You are idealistic and intelligent and very much an all or nothing person.Tending to experience constant change in life security is found in your real and abiding values. With great organisational ability, industry and creative prowess you love to build tangible results and are especially gifted at transforming lost causes. Your intelligence is marked with keen perception and analytical ability. A secure home life and relationship are important for you.
Reading Scott James Remnant’s latest post on what he calls “Parallel Peer Programming” got me wondering if the same approach could work for the small project I’ve been secretly working on. Scott fired up 3 separate screem sessions to which his co-worker Gustavo Niemeyer synced to. From that point one, they could see what each other was doing “live” in their respective terminals/laptops. Scott would write test cases in one terminal (to which Gustavo could now “watch”), Gustavo would then write the code in the second terminal to make sure it would pass the test, and use the third terminal to test it.
Ubuntu Breezy Badger
Oct 17, 2005
'nough said!
Ubuntu Breezy Sexyness
Oct 14, 2005
Managed to install Ubuntu 5.10 (Breezy Badger) on my laptop last night! Very impressive, including the fact that I didn’t have to manually download the driver and firmware for my ipw2200 wifi card!!! And just take a look at the ultra sexy notification message on the upper right hand corner of the screen!!! After adding more repositories to my source.list, I proceeded to install Banshee and Gajim! F-Spot will be joining them next!
Early this week I decided to lure more people into participating more with the task of translating Ubuntu Breezy’s packages to the Portuguese (Brazilian) language. A quick email to our distribution BrazilianLoCo list with promises of eternal gratitude from $DEITY was able to attract a few replies and by Tuesday (or was it Monday???) night I met up with a few people at #ubuntu-br (Freenode) who were willing to spend some time doing the job.
Complying with my decision to learn how to package software for Debian-based distros, I spent some (unfortunately very little) time this weekend going over this tutorial on packaging for Debian. Almost everything worked as per the instructions, minus some minor changes I had to perform in order to end up with a working .deb file. The experience was very rewarding and I have already started to plan more “real world” practice trials to get the hang of it!