Post Entries
A whole lotta hacking (in the tropics)!
Apr 17, 2006If anyone is planning on attending this year’s 7º Fórum Internacional Software Livre, or FISL for short, try to get a hold of Mário Meyer and Cia. at the Ubuntu Brazil booth! Tell him I have asked him to show you a good time while you’re in Brazil, and I can pretty much guarantee you’ll be speaking “fluent” portuguese in no time! ;) Too bad I can’t make it… That what you get for being a .
Another Show
Apr 13, 2006This April 22-23 I will be once again “on the road” to represent Ubuntu Linux at this year’s Trenton Computer Festival. Having just got back from Linux World Expo in Boston, this shouldn’t be too intimidating for me. I must confess, it was pretty intimidating to face literally hundreds of people and provide them with satisfactory answers. I feel a bit more “seasoned” now and should be able to feel more confortable now.
Linux World Expo 2006 - Day 3
Apr 10, 2006The third and last day at the exposition was without a doubt the best day of them all! There were times when I was completely surrounded by people who just wanted to chit-chat… but there were many chances to just walk around, talk to people, take a few extra pictures and not worry about leaving my helper alone in the booth. Some of the highlights in my oppinion were:
The guys from Slashdot were playing XBox 360 all day long using the huge screen they had set up at their lounge area; They also brought in a freezer filled to the top with ice cream, which quickly vanished as they started distributing it together with other things such as t-shirts; I got to meet Komander Taco, the “brain"behind Slashdot; I got to meet Jon â€Å"Mad Dogâ€Â?
Look Ma! I\'m on TV!!!
Apr 10, 2006Well, sort of… I was “interviewed” by Lulu TV on the first day of Linux World Expo. Kind of funny to see someone else’s film of you bahbling about something… hehehe… Too bad I didn’t have a microfone in me.
Linux World Expo 2006 - Day 2
Apr 06, 2006Pretty easy day today compared to yesterday’s “feeding frenzy”! The other guy who is supposed to help me out these last 2 days didn’t show up until after 12 noon! Ended up taking a cab to the exposition center… about $20 later and some really crazy talk from the cab driver! Scary stuff as he went off on a dialogue with himself… Couldn’t wait to get the hell out of the cab!
LWE 2006 - Day 1
Apr 05, 2006Pheeeew! What an amazing day I had today! Got up really early and after grabbing a quick breakfast, drove down to South Boston to the Linux World Expo at the “new convention center” as it is called around here. Together with my buddy Vinny, we quickly set things up and got it all started by playing some Swing music… the Fedora guys appreciated it! ;) Shortly after people started to come in… at first as a slow trickle with a handfull of people stopping by to thank us (in behalf of the Ubuntu community) for the great work we’ve done and to grab a free copy of the 600 CDs I brought in with me… and then, as a stream ravaging stream!
Some early pictures
Apr 05, 2006Didn’t get around to take a lot of pictures due to the craziness from yesterday. Here are a couple I managed to take early on…
and another one of our booth:
The other guy who’s supposed to lend me a hand hasn’t shown up yet and could be lost somewhere between NY and MA… This could turn out to be a reaaaally long day for me…