Post Entries
Early Christmas?
Jun 08, 2006
I didn’t know the new version of Monodevelop with built-in graphical designer was already available in Dapper!?!? Christmas has come earlier than I expected! ;) Thank you (everyone involved in it)!
So yesterday I finally managed to get a hold of another HP TC1100 and bring it with me to the MySQL Meetup last night. There were many interesting things during our first ever “show & tell” session, which shall get mentioned on a later post, but all I really wanted to do was to install Ubuntu onto the TabletPC and try to get everything working. The new and extremelly easy to follow 5-step installation process was readly approved by all, and in approximately 15 minutes I had a complete system, minus support for the stylus pen… yet.
Version 3.2
Jun 08, 2006
Today I complete yet another life cycle, version 3.2! Some bugs have been fixed and the “application” seems to be a bit more robust. New bugs I’m sure will be discovered (and hopefully reported too), and even a “fork” seems to be stabilizing in the shape of my (almost) 5-year-old daughter! ;) This last year marked my de facto entry into the open source world! Together with other people, we founded Planeta Ubuntu Brasil, a blog aggregator completely designed for brazilian portuguese speaking users, and helped place the Ubuntu Brasil community on the map!
Today I managed to get some free time from work (I had to run this process that usually takes 55 minutes to complete) and decided to pop the CD for the new version of Ubuntu Linux, codenamed Dapper Drake, into a friend’s TabletPC (HP model TC1100). I honestly didn’t really know what to expect but was gladly surprised to see the welcoming site of Gnome’s splash screen, followed by the soothing startup sound.
Finally!!! After so many months of working hard on the brazilian portuguese translations, we can now celebrate and enjoy the new Ubuntu release, my first release as part of the Ubuntu family! The work itself is enormous and yet delicate at the same time. There were many people who showed interest in lending us a helping hamd, but during the long winding road, it was a smaller group that emerged from the ashes!
Keysigning Party
May 30, 2006
David Harding is organizing a keysigning party for this June 14th, right after the LUG/IP meeting. I’m not sure I’ll be able to attend it, but I’ll definitely try my best! I do have some friends in the Princenton area and could use this chance to meet them over coff coffee coff. :) On a different note, this blog is now syndicated at I just love the Ubuntu and RHCE badges next to my posts!
About Time!
May 27, 2006
So it seems that Macrobe will be releasing Flash Player 9 for Linux some time early in 2007. It is about time!