Post Entries
Recipe: Enemy Territory
Jun 16, 2006First of all, I want to thank all the kind comments on my previous post. :) To show my appreciation, here is something for those days when you can hardly think straight…
Enemy Territory
You should have a Nvidia or ATI card and driver… and libgtk1.2: sudo apt-get install libgtk1.2 Ingredients:
Download the game from your favorite gaming site or…
wget -c
Apply any patch you can find in the same site or…
Jun 15, 2006This is very off topic but I couldn’t resit. My wife and I have been blessed for the second time, and are officially expecting out second child! We received confirmation yesterday from my wife’s doctor that she is in her very forst week of pregancy! Little Yv (my daughter) is extremelly exicted about the prospect of having a little baby to play with. In fact, her reaction was the best thing it could have happened to us!
Between Meetings Note
Jun 14, 2006Work has caught up to me and I have been flooded with small projects here and there at work! I have received a great deal of feedback on how to Ubuntunize my TabletPC and will be reporting on my progress as soon as I get some time to breath.
In the meantime, while I away for yet another meeting, I just want to thank Sven Herzberg for writing about HRE 2.
Rotating the screen for a TabletPC
Jun 12, 2006This was a very busy Sunday, with a lot of soccer on tv (or how we call it outside the U.S., football), a lot of beer, and B-B-Q, like a good brazilian should. ;) In between a lot of meat, beer, checking translations, participating on a podcast, and an unexpected visit from my in-laws, I somehow managed to “play” with my TabletPC and rotate the screen. The tip came via a comment on my previous post, and involves the addition of a simple line in the xorg.
Sharing music via Avahi
Jun 12, 2006What can I say, it was a busy weekend… ;) Prior to following my friend Otavio’s advice (pt_BR only) on how to properly share my private music library at home with the many devices I own, I sadly used to copy the many gigabytes of *.oggs across the network… Since I didn’t want to clog up my TabletPC, I decided to give avahi a try.
"Avahi is a system which facilitates service discovery on a local network.
Recipe: Ubuntu Dapper Media
Jun 10, 2006With the release of Ubuntu Dapper, many were the new users who initiated the linux world without any knowledge of how to configure their systems for a complete nirvana experience. Sure the default instalation takes care of supplying the majority of tools and applications a “normal” home user would need “out of the box”, but there are certain technologies which, due to some licensing issues (mostly related to distribution, etc), are not installed automatically.
TabletPC photo frenzy
Jun 10, 2006As promissed, here are some pictures of my TabletPC running Ubuntu Dapper. I have managed to use the graphical keyboard (from the Assistive Technology Support submenu) in order to “type” using the stylus pen, but it was “weird” having to “cherry pick” the letters. ;) Needless to say, I have removed it from the startup. I have installed Nvidia’s driver and everything is just peachy… haven’t figured out how to rotate the display yet though.