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Been working hard with the GNOME Brazilian team to finish up the translation effort in time for 2.18. With the release date just around the corner, it is almost time to reap what we have sown:
Language Team Documentation (% User Interface (% translated) translated)
Arabic 0% (130/8/23855) 99% (36988/0/3)
British English 32% (7912/0/16081) 99% (36988/0/3)
French 74% (17962/128/5903) 99% (36988/0/3)
Portuguese 0% (0/0/23993) 99% (36988/0/3)
Swedish 67% (16198/146/7649) 99% (36988/0/3)
poEdit and translate-toolkit packaged in Foresight
Mar 04, 2007Just finished packaging poEdit and the translate-toolkit for Foresight. I usually do my translations using Vim, but ultimately use these two tools to “fine tune” them before submiting them to bugzilla.
Speaking of translations, I cannot wait to see the new GNOME with 100% desktop translations in portuguese (Brazilian), thanks to a partnership between the Brazilian GNOME and Ubuntu translation teams! ;)
Epiphany is the Bee\'s Knees
Mar 03, 2007I just have to agree with Foresight's decision to ship the Epiphany web browser as their default browser! Don’t get me wrong, I like Firefox and some of the very nifty extensions make some of my tasks a breeze (Firebug rules!), but Epiphany IS GNOME’s default web broswer!
I say, take it for a spin and you’ll see how pleasant your experience will be!
Feb 23, 2007I took advantage of an unexpected break I had over the weekend to create my own application to change the theme for OpenBox. Sure, I know there’s OBConf, but I wanted to write my own in python.
Without further ado, I present version 0.1 of Thematographer for OpenBox!
Even with the dependency on Glade, I find it to be very light and it will detect default themes installed, as well as themes installed on $HOME/.
Feb 22, 2007I’m back home, together with my wife and daughters. The two days spent in the hospital helped them (wife and baby) to recharge a bit their energies, and gave me some time to spend with my older daughter.
Many were the comments and emails I received during this period, all congratulating us and wishing us well. I even received a phone call from Brazil (thanks a million Kurt Kraut)! In the name of my (now slightly bigger) family I thank each and everyone of you for the kind words!
Baby on Board
Feb 11, 2007My parents wanted to know how my wife’s pregnancy was progressing…
Our doctors have told us that our second daughter will be born on Valentines Day (February 14th for those who don’t live in the US). But what is science compared to my mother’s sixth sense who, after having just seen this photo sent to her via cellphone, boldly stated: she’ll be born by tomorrow! ;)
Launchpad has a new face-lift
Feb 07, 2007I really liked the new “face-lift” given to Launchpad (still in beta)…
Something tells me we’ll see it being used by many companies in the near future as their management tool for… well, pretty much everything?!?!?