Post Entries
This is going to be a very emotional post for me… Emotional for a good reason, but with a “dash” of nostalgia. Ever since we released Ubuntu Edgy I made the decision of giving the leadership for the Brazilian Translation Team to someone else… not because I had lost interest in this task, but because after over 1 year in this position, it is the right and just decision to let someone else get the same opportunity.
Going to FISL?
Apr 04, 2007
Hey Jonh, Jono, Lucas et all. While you’re visiting Brazil during FISL, look for the Ubuntu Brazilian Team. it should be easy to spot them… just look for the loudest and craziest guys around! Too bad I can’t make it this year…
Release soon, release often they say, right? Well, here it is then! Today I released version “7 Different Types of Smoke” (beta) 0.1 of my pet project BillReminder. Born out my need for a simple and light home accounting desktop application, BillReminder became my favorite hobbie and main learning entrance into the python world for me! Though still in beta, this version includes an attempt at a smart database layer (built on top of sqlite) which should allow the application to expand its capabilities of saving different types of data.
I want my MTV
Mar 22, 2007
Having just seen Lucas Rocha's screencast where he creates a simple python plugin for the Hildon Desktop, I just cannot wait to get my hands on a N800. But it is kind of pricey for my very limited budget right now (or for the next several months for that matter. I wonder what a translator could do to get one of those nice discounts I read about in the web? ;)
BillReminder on TV?
Mar 19, 2007
Karl Lattimer pointed out that there is now a comercial for BillReminder (may not be safe for work due to violent scenes). ;)
Mar 14, 2007
After being harassed by Mario Danic for several days to submit a paper to this year’s GUADEC, I caved in and did it. I had problems completing my registration but was rescued in the last minute by Thomas Wood! If my paper gets selecte, my talk will be titled “Where the streets have no name: Getting more done with different localizations teams!”, and it will be based on my personal experience in coordinating the joint effort by the Brazilian GNOME and Ubuntu Localization teams during our race toward a 100% GNOME 2.
We did it! /me does Dora, the Explorer's dance! GNOME 2.18 Desktop Applications are now completely translated to Brazilian Portuguese, thanks to the colaborative work between the Ubuntu and GNOME Brazilian teams! Now, the Ubuntu team will be working hard to make sure that everything is in sync so that Ubuntu Feisty Fawn will have a default look and feel in our language as well! I want to take this chance to congratulate all the hard work done by both teams, and recognize that together we removed a lot of redundancy in the process.