Post Entries
Educational GCompris Live CD
May 15, 2007Shortly after receiving a comment on my other blog (Brazilian Portuguese only) from Armando Silva about an educational Live CD, my curiosity got the best of me and I just had to check it out.
The first thing I did was point my browser to the Brazilian GCompris site and I was imediately impressed by their stated objectives of promoting the translation and documentation of education software in Brazil
A few more paragraphs later I found out that Armando Silva himself was responsible for this Live CD, based on Knoppix with components from Kanotix e Sidux.
Taking GCompris for a spin
Apr 18, 2007Yesterday I managed to package GCompris 8.3 BETA 3-2 and successfuly run it at home. Packaging it was a bit tricky due to a couple of bugs I encountered along the way, but luckly bdoin was around #gcompris to confirm/deny my assumptions.
The main reason for me doing this was so that Yv, my oldest, could spend some time in front of the computer doing something educational. I was extremelly surprised with the amount of different games available and the very broad range of levels included.
Apr 14, 2007Yesterday I packaged the applications Dates, Tasks and Contacts for Foresight Linux. As soon as Sync is released, the entire Pimlico suite will be complete!
Herding Cats in Brazil
Apr 13, 2007If anyone wants to watch the live stream of Jono’s presentation in Brazil, just point your favorite browser here. This is the direct link to the stream, but if for whatever reason you end up watching somebody else’s, try one of the other feeds from here. Clicking play will launch your default media player, and clicking on the links in the second column will attempt to open it in your browser.
Simplifying gtk.TreeView?
Apr 12, 2007One of these days I was working on a new graphical interface for a new application in python, when I noticed something familiar. Every time I need to add a gtk.TreeView widget to one of my programs, I end up re-writing the same code, over and over again and again… so I thought:
"Why not create my own kit/widget and stop rehashing code?"
Since I had a pretty uneventfull Saturday, I ended up creating GenericList, my own abstraction of a generic grk.
Texto Livre for All
Apr 11, 2007When I first heard of the project Texto Livre, the very first thing that went through my mind was how to use it to improve (and even speed up) the documentation process for the Brazilian GNOME and Ubuntu projects!
Texto Livre is a support group with the objective of offering linguistic support for the documentation of open source software, as well as introduce university-level students to to open source as a tool for research
One year went by\...
Apr 10, 2007… and today, chatting online with AndrĂ© Noel, I remembered that I was at Linux World Expo in Boston, MA representing Ubuntu! I had my “15 seconds of fame” when I was interviewed by the guys from
Those were 3 great days that I’ll never forget…