Post Entries
MySQL issue when upgrading to WordPress 2.2.3
Sep 11, 2007Thought this may be helpful to someone else who also uses WordPress. Shortly after upgrading to the latest version, I found the following warning message sprinkled all over the administrative interface:
[Can't open file: 'wp_comments.MYI'. (errno: 145)]
A quick search pointed me to the solution:
mysql> repair table wp_comments;
How many are there in a Brazilian?
Sep 09, 2007For the second release cycle in a row, I’m pleased to announce that GNOME will be 100%* available in Brazilian Portuguese! This feat shows again how the collaborative effort between the Ubuntu and GNOME Brazilian translation teams! Since all translations were submitted and aproved by the GNOME commiters (thank you Leonardo, Raphel and Jonh!) first, every GNU/Linux distribution will be able to take advantage of effort! If this doesn’t represent the true meaning of cooperation and collaborative work, I don’t know what else does!
Integrated GNOME clock
Sep 07, 2007So today Ken Vandine was showing off the integration of intlclock with his GNOME clock applet:
I clicked on my clock to find out, to my surprise, that all of my tasks on Tasks and appointments in Zimbra were nicely integrated with it!
| It would be really nice to integrate BillReminder with it too… :)
The road to GNOME 2.20
Sep 05, 2007When I started my GNOME trip, we were on mile 2.16 and the GNOME Brazil crew was in the process of tackling a 26% deficit with the translation process. Together with the Brazilian Ubuntu translation team, we plowed through bugzilla, leaving no empty (or fuzzy) string left to tell stories, and reaching mile 2.18 at 100% translated! :)
Several months later and the road trip continued, with new pieces added to the puzzle, and some great effort by our committers down the stretch.
Rise to the challenge!
Sep 02, 2007For anyone who has read my previous post and know me… or know and read my blog, I’d like to ask for a personal favor. Every day I see people taking the time to submit news bits to sites like Digg, Slashdot, etc, about several different topics, varying from how to do stuff on your computer to the daily Hollywood gossip. What I ask is the following:
Write something, no matter how big or small, about what I wrote on my previous post about this video.
I have just watched this video about the never ending conflict between Brazilian indigenous natives and the white farmers from small town Brazil. This is the kind of stuff that is well known by the entire country, but avoided by most for fear of retaliation!
Like pretty much anywhere in the Americas, the Brazilian indigenous population was almost completely massacred and enslaved by the the white settlers during the colonial times.
Blog Day 2007
Aug 31, 2007| |BlogDay2007
I have just received the news from Walter Cruz that he chose the Brazilian Portuguese version of my blog as one of his favorites for this year’s Blog Day 2007! I was very pleased and honored for being selected by such a great guy! ;)
So I’ll join in the fun and will announce a couple of my favorite Brazilian blogs. Just a little display that Brazilians have much more to offer than Carnaval, beautifull women, and soccer players: