Post Entries
Boring day
Dec 14, 2007
It’s been a rather boring day for me… The funny thing is that it started out very promising, with many ideas going through my mind. Managed to create a rather simple “About” dialog for Foresight. If I get the time I’ll finish it and commit it to the fl:1-devel repository.
… but here in North Carolina is so delightfull!" Want yet another reason to move to North Carolina? Here’s one… better yet, FIVE: It was 81 F this afternoon! Awesome! :) By the way, Flickr is sporting a newer upload interface… spiffy!
I’d like to extend my (unofficial) congratulations to the new GNOME Foundation Board of Directors! (unofficial results) Nice to see Luis' charisma showing in the results! :) The new board can definitely count with my support! I also want to thank all of those who voted for me! I feel very privileged that you guys believed in me and I can only hope to be able to continue pushing for my ideas and ideals.
Dennis Kucinich
Dec 09, 2007
“one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all." Dennis Kucinich! ‘nough said! Update: A lot of people believed the quote above belonged to Mr. Kucinich, but that was me. Thanks Dan for the heads up on my formatting mistake. :)
I’m glad Bryan Clark poked the candidates running for the GNOME Board about the Online Desktop question. The best part was that he took the time to sift through all the answers and derive a nice chart of what he understood from the answers and what he felt needed some further explanation. So, to answer his call… When I said I believe that it is not up to the Board to decide on the implementation or even which tools/languages to use, but serve as a facilitator and guiding light to make sure that the project stays on track and focused…
Nov 28, 2007
I was really glad to see David Bolter's post today about transparency in community decisions! Olav and I had been talking about this (see comments section), related to blog aggregation requests, and it is nice to see that someone else also agrees. Some people may complain about having to create a user account (assuming we’re using bugzilla, for instance) to request that his blog be aggregated to the planet, but this would provide some sort of “receipt” and serve as a means to get a process going.
Nov 26, 2007
It seems that my post didn’t quite express what I really meant and some people (Olav Vitters has asked me to mention his name instead of making it generic) have even decided no to vote for me because of it. Wow… For instance, my good friend Luis quoted me on his last post and based on what he wrote one would think I’m telling people to shut up and just vote.