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If you have a project hosted on Google Code (or follow the development of a project) and don’t want to create a Google Group so that you can receive notifications (email, rss) for repository or issue tracking commits, here’s a new feature that has been added: For the first url, change PROJECT to the project name you want to follow.
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Registering a gconf schema via
Jul 13, 2008I spent a good chunk of my evening trying to implement the automatic registration of a gconf schema file via a and… got nowhere. Seems that most people who wanted to do the same ended up running gconftool-2 directly as such:
GCONF_CONFIG_SOURCE=`gconftool-2 —get-default-source` gconftool-2 —makefile-install-rule /etc/gconf/schemas/*.schemas
Has anyone got any advice (patches would be awesome) to go with my code?
And now\... tabs\... on tabs!!!
Jul 12, 2008C’mon! What is up with the tabs fetish?
** My inkscape skills need a lot of love!*
Got milk?
Jul 09, 2008One of my favorite web services ever ( announced today what I consider to be the best feature of 2008! PERIOD! What am I talking about? I’m talking about the possibilty of viewing the comparison of how a single string was translated across several projects! You have to experience it to understand how great this is! To quote Jacek Åšliwerski, the brain behind this:
I added new functionality to the service.
Stormy weekend in Chapel Hill
Jul 07, 2008This 3-day weekend (it was the Independence Day here in the US this Friday) turned out to be a 3-day stay indoors weekend for us. Due to a hurricane (don’t remember the name now) that is fast approaching the East coast, we were rocked by severe thunderstorms every single night.
We had planned to watch the new Indiana Jones movie at the outdoor movie night in Southern Village but managed to get inside the car right before the wind kicked in and the sky was lit with lightning.
Not going to GUADEC
Jul 06, 2008Been kind of stormy down here in North Carolina since last night, with some pretty serious thunder storms causing havok around the area. Woke up today to see some trees snapped in half and a car buried under some big branches. With the electricity flickering all the time I thought it would be safe to turn off the PC and wait it out. After yet another stormy period today, I think it is safe to surf the web now.
My first blueprint for Ubuntu
Jul 03, 2008Today I created a blueprint I intend to promote for Launchpad's Rosetta workflow. Titled “The process by which translation teams can better handle collaboration" (and its matching full specification), it is my intent to describe a mechanism by which translation teams can better administrate the contributions sent by Rosetta users, provide useful feedback and take a first step toward a better relationship with upstream projects.
I kindly invite those interested in the same topic to subscribe to the blueprint and add their feedback to the specification page, specially those who like me have their feet in both upstream and Rosetta worlds.