Post Entries
Jan 14, 2009
[caption id=“attachment_652” align=“alignnone” width=“650” caption=“So apparently like 12 of those 17 minutes were spent finding a top hat. If you do the math."][/caption]
Got back home tonight to find our dining table covered by books that Yv got at the library today. This is something that happens quite often and it never stops amazing me just how much she loves to read! So even though it was almost 21:00 and I had just walked in from work, we set by the table and started reading some of her books. [gallery link=“file”] Elephant and Piggie books must be some of the most amazingly funny books to read to your kids!
Year of Translations?
Dec 30, 2008
What a great month for open source translators this has been! The latest news is the marriage of GNOME’s Damn Lies with Vertimus. You can think of it as statistics and work flow in one interface! From the announcement email: You like Damned Lies and Vertimus, we too, so we have merged both! The new Damned Lies offers a new reviewing workflow. If you’re a translator, you can join one or many teams and reserve a module for translation.
Danilo Å egan, lead developer for the Rosetta translation tool sent an email to the Ubuntu translators list yesterday with some great news related to the policy of how upstream translations are managed: Launchpad Translations has changed the translation precedence policy with the December release: now upstream (“packaged”) translations will be given more priority in specific cases. Yet, Launchpad Translations keeps the ability to override any specific upstream translation if so is desired.
Last week I received an invitation to join the LXDE project, “an extremely faster, performing and energy saving desktop environment maintained by an international community of developers”, to collaborate and help organize their translation effort. As I have maintained the Brazilian Portuguese translation for Openbox, one of the components that make up LXDE, and am very much involved with the translation of GNOME, KDE, XFCE, and other modules, I felt very compelled to accept the invitation.
I’ve re-designed the dialog for adding or editing a bill for my pet project BillReminder and am now in need of help to improve the user interface a bit more before releasing another version. I figured someone out there may either have the answer or have more free time at their disposal than me. :) Here’s what the dialog looks like right now: The issue is related to the option of adding recurring bills, which a user can do by changing the Repeat field to something other than Once (i.
Day of Remembrance
Nov 20, 2008
I’d like to second Davyd’s post about the 10th Day of Remembrance. It pains me to know that even today with all the technological and intellectual progress we’ve made, there are people out there who just cannot accept and/or respect other people’s choices. For those hiding behind a bible to defend their actions, maybe your god should teach you more tolerance… Yeah, comments will be turned off. I don’t plan to spend my day fending off any comment that will tell me that their rights are more important that somebody else’s.