Post Entries
Mar 27, 2009My Twitter stats as per TweetStats:
Your typical Friday afternoon chat
Mar 13, 200913:02:50 <devnet> DUDE 13:03:15 <devnet> got something cool to show you (video) when u get back 13:03:47 <OgMaciel> does it involve you, a bottle of baby oil and a chupacabra? 13:03:57 <devnet> naughty boy 13:04:00 <devnet> of course it DOES! 13:04:03 <devnet> :D
For all you naughty people out there, he was talking about this pretty cool video mash. Check them all out!
Another open source project 100% translated
Mar 12, 2009Thanks to the incredible work of Henrique P. Machado, Brazilian Portuguese speaking open source users will now be able to run LXDE completely translated! Yeah, another 100% Brazilian Portuguese translation available! I will spend the next few days making sure everything is following the same guidelines we’ve used for GNOME and Xfce, so if you speak the language and got time to review/send sugestions, your help will be appreciated. :)
So you want to sell open source
Mar 11, 2009I wanted to write about the concept of selling open source ideas and what are some of the required criteria for being successful in doing it for quite some time, and Stormy's comment on my last post sort of pushed me to it.
I use the word “sell” here not strictly in the sense of a financial transaction but also in the sense of getting your open source product to be adopted and have a better chance at standing out from the huge pool of available open source software.
Your translations update
Mar 10, 2009Proud to have been a part of delivering the following upstream projects 100% translated to Brazilian Portuguese:
GNOME 2.26 UI: 100% translated. Xfce 4.6 UI: 100% translated Openbox: 100% translated I also helped the GNOME Italian team with their commits.
Now, onto LXDE and some modules for Fedora.
If I had a dollar\...
Jan 25, 2009… for everytime a heard a pediatrician say:
It is probably some virus; There is something going around; I’ll prescribe some amoxicillin…; It will go away in 6 to 8 weeks; I’ll ask my colleagues; We’ve been seeing that in the office a lot… it is probably some type of infection or virus; I’d be rich! Growing up in Brazil, there was never a time that my parents took me to a doctor that we didn’t come home knowing precisely what was affliciting me… and nothing that wasn’t cured by some type of shot and a day of rest.
Snowy Day
Jan 20, 2009Today we had snow in Chapel Hill for the first time since I moved from Northern New Jersey. I not a big fan of the white stuff since it used to mean cleaning up the car, drive to the slush, and get all wet. But my girls loved it, specially Yv who seized the opportunity to make snow angels.
It was also Kate's first snow and eventhough she's been coffing lately, we decided to bring her outside (wearing a heavy coat) to play for a while.