Post Entries
Transifex to provide translation platform for LXDE
May 21, 2009[caption id=“attachment_701” align=“aligncenter” width=“140” caption=“Transifex and LXDE”][/caption]
The LXDE project has announced that it will use the Transifex platform to allow their users to better manage their workflow, provide up to the minute data and statistics, and lower their administrative workload. The full announcement can be found here.
It was a real pleasure to work along side Martin Bagge, Mario Behling, Dimitris Glezos, Diego Búrigo Zacarão and Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams and get this partnership in place.
Smell the flowers
May 17, 2009I never really considered any of my photos to be anything out of the ordinary (excluding those I take of my kids, off course :)Â ), but the one below came out pretty decent if you ask me.
This was taken last Sunday at the North Carolina Botanical Garden in the best place to live in the world, Chapel Hill, North Carolina. I’ve been using it as my computer’s desktop wallpaper.
Check out GeekDeck Issue 2
May 13, 2009GeekDeck has just released Issue 2, including;
Editor’s Letter Interview with Foresight Linux creator Ken Vandine A look at rBuilder Online Mark has a scary gaming encounter This months feature on Piracy Pete discusses the pitfalls of multiformat releases Just where did LAN parties go? Pete goes back, way back A story of a real pirate Pete reviews HandBrake Signing off by hating my phone Go on and take a peek at the articles and let us know what you think.
Friday at the office
Apr 17, 2009Just another Friday at work. “Wearing my colors” today.
New arrival in the kitchen seems to have been approved by everyone.
Now, repeat after me: TGIF!
Living La Vida Geek
Apr 15, 2009I was very pleased when my good friend Pete asked me to be a contributor to his new project, GeekDeck, “a new zine/blog thingy that (he is) hoping will wet your appetite for all things geek.” Pete and I have been friends for some time already and find his projects very stimulating and fun. Whoever hasn’t watched his old web show Prog8ox doesn’t missed out big time!
As Pete wanted to publish something fairly quick and gave us all a very tight schedule (he’s a slave driver I tell you), and we went into code release mode at work, I didn’t manage to write my article about GNU/Linux Appliances and Cloud Computing.
Life Is a Gift
Apr 10, 2009I just had to share this with everyone. Have a great weekend!
Life Is a Gift Today before you say an unkind word - Think of someone who can’t speak. Before you complain about the taste of your food - Think of someone who has nothing to eat. Before you complain about your husband or wife - Think of someone who’s crying out to GOD for a companion. Today before you complain about life - Think of someone who died too early on this earth.
Hall of Fame
Apr 03, 2009Just nominated who I think should be “inducted” into the Ubuntu Hall of Fame: André Gondim from the Ubuntu Brazilian translations team!
[caption id="" align=“alignleft” width=“192” caption=“André Gondim -Hall of Fame”][/caption]
Andre started contributing with translations quite some time ago, but for whatever reason stopped contributing for a while. One day, completely out of the blue, he approached me and asked me to lend him a hand to get started again… fast forward a few years later, and Andre is without a doubt the most active and interested translator for the entire Ubuntu Brazilian team!