
I’m back home, together with my wife and daughters. The two days spent in the hospital helped them (wife and baby) to recharge a bit their energies, and gave me some time to spend with my older daughter.

Many were the comments and emails I received during this period, all congratulating us and wishing us well. I even received a phone call from Brazil (thanks a million Kurt Kraut)! In the name of my (now slightly bigger) family I thank each and everyone of you for the kind words!

My company was kind enough to let me take 5 days off from work so I could be with “the girls,” and boy have they been helpful! Our first day at home was a bit rough since Kate cried every 30 minutes. It was only today, right after I drove Yv to school that I was able to take a 2 hour nap. By my calculations, I now have only 8 more to make up for… ;)

Finally athome

Things are shaping up at home, and if I had any concerns about how Yv would behave now that she has a little sister, now I have none. Every day, right before she goes to school, she insists in giving her little sister a kiss. ;)

The temperature here in North Carolina has gone up a bit, compared to New York and New Jersey, and with today’s 71 F we decided to go out and visit (my first time) Duke University's Chapel. The Duke campus is absolutely wonderful and it gives you this feeling of the vast amount of knowledge and history that just seeps from its walls! I couldn’t help but fantasize about the day my daughters will be attending either Duke or UNC.


With Spring just around the corner, I’m sure we will be going on more small trips and taking a whole lot more pictures. Spring is a very interesting season, specially having gone through a few months of Winter. It only takes a few positive degrees to get people to come out and show off their “Winter tan,” trying to enjoy every second of warmth given off by the yet pale sun. For my next trip, I’m going for the second time to Duke Gardens. This place is so enchanting that not even the Hanging Gardens of Babylon would come close. This time around I will bring my real camera… so no more cel phone pictures. :)

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