The race is on to get Ubuntu Linux completely translated into other languages. We, the Brazilian Portuguese Team, are currently in 5th “place”.
Inspired by the Ubuntu Classroom, I have taken the iniciative to create 3 “classroom” sessions in portuguese (pt_BR) to be hosted starting today at the #ubuntu-br-tradutores channel @ Freenode. More information can be found in my announcement (in portuguese), including links to documentation on how to use IRC. :)
The topics covered in the 3 sessions will be:
- What are Launchpad, Malone, and Rosetta?
- How to create a GnuPG key
- What is the Code of Conduct?
- How to sign the Code of Conduct
- List of terms (glossary) used during translations
- How to use Rosetta
- Best practices when translating
For the portuguese-speaking (not only brazilians) readers out there, here’s the guideline we’ll be following for today’s class.
Huge kudos do the Brazilian Documentation Team for rising up to my call of action! They’ve not only revamped the main site, but have also generated tons (and I literally mean tons!) of excelente documentation!