Stormy weekend in Chapel Hill

This 3-day weekend (it was the Independence Day here in the US this Friday) turned out to be a 3-day stay indoors weekend for us. Due to a hurricane (don’t remember the name now) that is fast approaching the East coast, we were rocked by severe thunderstorms every single night.


We had planned to watch the new Indiana Jones movie at the outdoor movie night in Southern Village but managed to get inside the car right before the wind kicked in and the sky was lit with lightning. By the time we got home, it looked pretty bad outside.

Trees broken due to storm inNC

Saturday we woke up to see a neighbor’s car buried under some pretty think branches and trees snapped in half (the shot above is actually in front of my house). The sun came out a bit and we thought the worst had passed. Boy were we wrong! Saturday evening the storm came back with a vengeance and we lost electricity early in the evening. What do you do when there’s no TV, internet or electricity and need to entertain 2 little girls?

Yv, Kate andI

You play cards, eat, board games, eat, monkey around, eat some more! Today, Sunday and the skies are pretty dark and the thunders are still rolling. Meanwhile my entire family is enjoying a Brazilian barbecue (I just got off the phone with my dad) and celebrating my youngest sister’s wedding (she got married this Thursday but I couldn’t make it). The “church” wedding will be in August in Southern New Jersey and I won’t miss it!

My dad and I after somebeers

Last month I celebrated my birthday in New Jersey and you can see above what happened to my dad and I after the barbecue and many Blue Moons!

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