Right before I succumbed to some major infection and spend most of my Sunday and Monday in bed in agonizing pain and fever, I managed to buy a few things:
Band of Brothers (DVD set) - Finally managed to buy it! Back in February while attending Linux World in Boston, I watched the first 7 1/2 episodes at Supertoadman’s house. About 3 weeks ago I mustered enough courage to cough up the $100+ for the set only to forget to pick it up at the register. The last 3 episodes are very good and I was saddened when I finished episode 10…
1491: New Revelations of the Americas Before Columbus
- A great book detailing the new studies about the colonization process of the Americas, focusing on the pre-colonization (or should I say pre-genocide?) years. Did you know that, based on these studies, there were more people living in the Americas than in Europe before 1491? Amazing read.
Guns, Germs, and Steel: The Fates of Human Societies, New Edition
- After being completely swept off my feet by the PBS documentary I was just waiting for a good excuse to lay my hands on the book. Should be an enlighting read too.
The Constitution of the United States and the Declaration of Independence - Amazing how “only a few sheets” of paper (as compared to other nation’s) form the constitution of the US!!!
I’ve become more and more interested in the pre-colonization history of the Americas. It amazes me how little we learn of it in school and how we all seem to have taken it for granted.