Setting up Vim for Clojure development notes

Started the process of getting jiggy with Clojure at work and didn’t like the idea of using Eclipse for my day to day work… so I started looking at how to make vim and clojure get along and came across a great post! Here are the distilled notes plus minor tweaks to get anyone out there trying to do the same thing going:

  1. Download VimClojure (
  2. Download VimSlime (
  3. Extract these files into your ~/.vim folder
  4. Add the following lines to ~/.vimrc:
    • " Settings for VimClojure
    • let vimclojure#HighlightBuiltins = 1
    • let vimclojure#ParenRainbow = 1
    • " Send entire file to repl
    • nmap <C-m> ggVG<C-c><C-c>
  5. Start a repl session inside screen:
    • screen -S clojure
    • lein repl
  6. Open a clojure file with vim and highlight the method you want to evaluate
  7. Press ctrl + c twice
    • For session name prompt, enter ‘clojure’ which is the name of the screen session
    • For window name prompt, accept the default number displayed
  8. The selected code should be evaluated in the screen session
  9. Press ctrl + c, v to get prompt again

Vim and Clojure sitting on atree


  • I chose to start a repl using lein but you can use whatever you’re familar with to get a repl started
  • I have lein inside a directory in my Dropbox as well as all of my vim files and plugins. I then created soft links to them in my $HOME directory which makes this whole thing very easy to access from different systems as long as Dropbox is installed :)
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