First of all, I want to thank all the kind comments on my previous post. :) To show my appreciation, here is something for those days when you can hardly think straight…
Enemy Territory
- You should have a Nvidia or ATI card and driver…
- and libgtk1.2: sudo apt-get install libgtk1.2
Download the game from your favorite gaming site or…
wget -c
Apply any patch you can find in the same site or…
wget -c
In a deep pan, execute the installation program as such:
sudo sh ./
Immediately, a smaller window with installation instructions will pop-up. Choosing the default options should be enough for now.
Now, carefully add a dash of patch, using the following command:
sudo sh ./
After cooking it up on low for some minutes, serve the main dish with the following command:
Alternativally, you could serve it on a nice porcelain dish, accessing it from the menu Applications -> Other -> enemy-territory. I’m sure all your guests will praise you for your culinary skills! Buon Apetit!!!
Adaptation of the original: ` <>`__