It is with great pleasure that I announce the release of Radio Tray 0.5.1! I have been following the development of this tiny streaming media player from the very start and even cloned it so that I could play with it on BitBucket. After a while I approached the developer, Carlos Ribeiro, and asked him to take a look and all of the stuff I had done. I also suggested that he starts using Mercurial instead of Subversion to make easier for people to clone the code and submit patches in the near future.
Well, he not only liked what I had done but also gave me commit access to the project and moved the source code to a new mercurial repository! I also registered the project on Transifex to facilitate the job of getting translations quickly and in less than 2 weeks we now have Radio Tray translated to 15 different languages!
It has been such a great pleasure working with Carlos these last 2 weeks! I have learned a lot of new things along the way and am really looking forward to the next release! As always, you can expect to find Radio Tray 0.5.1 in Foresight Linux, but Carlos has also made a deb file for those running ‘buntu. :P