Post Entries
The Name Game
Aug 08, 2007I wanted to comment on Tristan Rhodes's latest post before but didn’t get a chance. Last time I checked he had received 56 comments on his suggestion to “unify” the Ubuntu name (and by unify he means to avoid the proliferation of several different distribution versions, that distinguish themselves based only on the window manager installed by default).
I must tell you that I have to agree with him, mainly because I feel that the many [U|X|Ku|n]buntu out there could be very confusing to an end user who’s decided to check out GNU/Linux for the first time.
The Name Game 2: The Rematch
Aug 08, 2007My last post brought in a few interesting replies, the great majority of them showing support (somewhat) to the idea of unifying the Ubuntu name. While I let the caffeine surge do the talking toward the end of the post, I should have added the following statement to completely close my argument:
I’m not suggesting that we stop manufacturing/shipping/distributing the other “flavors” of Ubuntu in the form of CDs and downloads.
Aug 04, 2007So here I am at BarCampRDU, together with the rPath crew. Got to meet a few new faces and am now sitting through my first session about distributed version control with Bzr and Launchpad. So far it sounds very much like Mercurial, which is pretty cool!
Anyhow, hope to be able to blog some more later today.
Technorati Tags: BarCampRDU
Lunch break
Aug 04, 2007Lunch time here at BarCampRDU, and the food selection was AWESOME! We had a great variety of Mediterranean food and it reminded me a lot of the food we have at the Mediterranean Deli in Chapel Hill! Good opportunity to chit-chat and goof off, specially if you happen to sit next to devnet!
More BarCampRDU
Aug 04, 2007The second session titled “Building online communities”, or something like that, drew in a considerable group of people who were mostly interested in the social aspect of it. It was fairly interesting how the problem people were complaning about could be moderated by something like the Ubuntu Code of Conduct! Great session and Luis had a great analogy as for how a community should work like a well thrown party! :)
Como fazer um pai orgulhoso?
Jul 20, 2007Pior que ela gostou da revista, mesmo sem entender o material (ela só sabia que era sobre o Linux)!
GNOME, Foresight, and Two Smocking Barrels
Jul 20, 2007Or something like that! My buddy Ken Vandine will be this year at the GNOME booth at OSCON. If you’re around, stop by to say hi, learn more about GNOME, Foresight, and get some swag, like the GNOME LiveCDs! ;)
By the way, did you notice Foresight’s new flashy logo?
(apparently Flickr didn’t like the transparent background?)