Post Entries
Triple Threat
Dec 22, 2007
Just in time for the holidays: rMake 1.0.13 conary 1.2.11 conary-policy 1.0.13
If you’re participating in the Google Highly Open Participation Contest and is involved with the translation process, or just want a sure way to test your translations with the latest GNOME, then go get your copy of the GNOME Developer Kit now! You could then download the message catalog file for the application you want to translate (in my case I got the Brazilian Portuguese file for Empathy) to your language and use poEdit (already included) to work on your translation.
Openbox goodness!
Dec 15, 2007
Finally caught up with my rss feeds and found out about some new sexyness coming up in Openbox. You’ll need to get Openbox(git) and Obconf(git) from their respective git repositories as well as this theme. If you’re running Foresight and want to try this (since it is still in development, I didn’t bother to submit it to a repo yet), let me know and I’ll get you the changeset.
Taca perfume no Ubuntu
Dec 15, 2007
Na hora de distribuir os CDs do Ubuntu aos seus amigos, não seria bacana entregá-los em uma embalagem bem bolada? Foi justamente com isso em mente que alguns usuários criaram a página Divulgação. Tem também um excelente folheto com algumas explicações básicas que seria o complemento perfeito para um bom presente de fim de ano! Para os grandes eventos, o custo de imprimir estas capas coloridas podem deixar um grande buraco em seu bolso.
Boring day
Dec 14, 2007
It’s been a rather boring day for me… The funny thing is that it started out very promising, with many ideas going through my mind. Managed to create a rather simple “About” dialog for Foresight. If I get the time I’ll finish it and commit it to the fl:1-devel repository.
Aos usuários do Arch Linux Brasileiros: Pessoal, O nosso wiki já está praticamente pronto e o projeto Arch Linux Brasil está precisando de contribuições. ;) No momento ainda possuímos poucas pessoas documentando/traduzindo no nosso wiki e, por isso, convido a todos que queiram ajudar o Arch e o projeto de documentação/tradução a se cadastrar no wiki e começar a contribuir. O página abaixo contém instruções sobre como participar do nosso projeto: http://wiki.
First off, for those participating of the Google Highly Open Participation Contest, get your GNOME Developer Kit now! Download the VMWare image or the DVD and start hacking today! There will be continuous builds (the plan is to have them daily) so that you’ll always have the freshest GNOME code to play with. For the translators out there, I’ve recommended the inclusion of poEdit, intltool, translate-toolkit and gettext, all latest versions available.