Post Entries
Today I fixed issue 1864094 “Time widget for individual alarms are too long”. I ended up creating a brand new widget with gtk.SpinButtons instead of gtk.ComboBoxes, since we determined that it would be useful for a different dialog. This took me a bit longer than I expected because I insisted that the hours should be zero padded (i.e. display 01, 02 and not 1, 2, etc). After spending some time on this I finally gave him and asked Johan Dahlin if it was possible, to which I received a negative answer.
No Bugs Left Behind and Rumors
Jan 05, 2008Today I started a No Bugs Left Behind campaign to air out any kinks out of BillReminder. Though I was very busy at work, I managed to file a couple of issues with several of them being resolved by Luiz before the end of the day! I had some positive feedback from people who tried the Mandriva package and even a *.deb too. Hope to fix some other pending issues over the weekend.
BillReminder de casa nova!
Jan 04, 2008Meu projeto BillReminder passou por vários ciclos de desenvolvimento nos últimos dias, grande parte graças ao trabalho feito por Luiz Armesto. Todo este “barulho” me fez finalmente mudar o web site, antes hospedado pela SourceForge, para um de meus domÃnios. Isso me dará mais flexibilidade e controle sobre a organização geral e aparência.
Por falar em aparência, hoje eu recebi um material (para ser mais preciso, o cabeçalho) feito pelo VinÃcius Amaral que estava super empolgado com o projeto.
BillReminder has a new house!
Jan 04, 2008My pet project BillReminder has gone through several iterations of new code these last few days, mainly thanks to the work done by Luiz Armesto. All this commotion made me finally move the project’s home page, then hosted by SourceForge, to one of my domains. This has given me more flexibility and control over the overall design and look and feel of it.
Speaking of look and feel, I have received some spiffy artwork (namely, the header) from VinÃÂcius Amaral who was fairly excited about the project.
End of 2007 and new beginnings
Jan 01, 2008It’s was the end of the year and my head has been spinning with ideas! The important thing is to know how to take advantage of this and try to turn them into reality. That’s why I’m planning on using online systems like Remember The Milk(RTM) to help me get more organized. Since I check my gMail at least a good 50 times a day, and RTM integrates well with it, I won’t have any excuses if I forget something now.
Fim de ano
Dec 31, 2007Fim de ano e a cabeça fervilhando de idéias! A sacada é saber aproveitá-las e torná-las realidades. É por isso que pretendo utilizar sistemas como o Remember The Milk(RTM) para me manter mais organizado. Como checo meu gMail pelo menos umas 50 vezes por dia, e o fato que existe uma forma de integrar o RTM ao gMail, não terei mais desculpas se me esquecer de algo.
Como minha companhia fecha na última semana do ano, e como o aniversário da minha filha Yv é no dia 22, fomos de (carro) mala e cuia para a casa da minha irmã em New Jersey para celebrar o aniversário e o natal com o resto da famÃlia.
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