Post Entries
Been using PulseAudio for several months now and was extremelly happy with the end result. The ability of controlling the volume for specific applications alone made it very worth the change. But there was one little issue that bothered me a lot: not being able to play my games with support for audio! Back when I started searching for a solution, I didn’t find anything that would resolve this issue and I eventually accepted that as a fact.
So last night’s post brought me quite a few replies, and I thank you all for taking the time to give me the feedback. I hope to find some time and work on the preferences dialog for BillReminder soon! On the other front, I received a nice little present from the Openbox guys: a way to inspect and honor files found in /etc/xdg/autostart by default when starting Openbox. Now, I cannot claim that this is a done deal but I’m keeping my fingers crossed!
I have spent a total of 3 hours working on BillReminder these last 2 weeks! What can I say, sometimes you have to put your pet projects in the back burner while real life takes over. :/ One of the things that annoyed me was the old, cluttered preferences dialog. It was just too bulky and with too many things going on, specially with the ComboBox for selecting the prefered time for an alarm.
Nas últimas 2 semanas eu só consegui trabalhar por 3 horas no BillReminder! O que posso dizer, às vezes você tem de colocar seus hobbies de lado enquanto a vida real toma conta do seu tempo. :/ Uma das coisas que estava me incomodando era o antigo diálogo de preferências. Ele estava muito cheio de controles e informação, e o que mais me incomodava era um ComboBox usado para escolher o horário preferido para receber um alarme.
Que bela surpresa me deixaram no correio hoje pela manhã. Nada mais, nada menos que 4 volumes do Antologia do Chiclete com Banana, enviado por meu amigo Antônio “LedStyle” Cláudio! Com certeza isso valeu a semana dura que tive! E pode esperar que estou te enviando algo também! :)