Post Entries
This is a minor release where a couple of bugs have been closed and some UI work was done to improve the workflow. It is worth to mention the new French translation, courtesy of Robert-André Mauchin, updated Dutch translation, courtesy of Daniel van Eeden, and some UI work done by Laudeci Oliveira.
#1906715 - New records can now be created by double-clicking a date in the main calendar. The due date for this new record will be set to the date selected upon double-clicking.
Summer of Code 2008
Mar 26, 2008So I submitted my idea for GNOME’s Summer of Code this year… aaaaaand, it doesn’t seem to be very popular as it is currently categorized as “Underground Ideas”. :)
Titled “Enhance Damned Lies and integrate it with”, it basically tries to lure someone with time to add a little bit of pizzaz to a site that I regularly use in order to proceed with my translations. Now, no offense intended but how can something like “Individual Workspace Wallpapers" be considered as "Rockstar Ideas" compared to the benefits of improving the work flow of those who deliver a GNOME Desktop completely translated every single release cycle?
Querida lazyweb, existe alguma forma de limitar o número de fileiras exibidas em um gtk.ComboBox? Eu sei que eu posso usar a propriedade set_wrap_width property para dividir os itens em várias colunas, mas eu acho isso tão “feio”. :)
Dear lazyweb, is there a way to limit the number of rows displayed by a gtk.ComboBox? I know one can set the set_wrap_width property to spread out the items into multiple columns, but that is just so ugly. :)
Patinhos na Lagoa e Dedicatória
Mar 12, 2008Hoje é um dia muito especial para todos aqueles envolvidos com o lançamento de mais uma versão do GNOME, versão 2.22. Também marca o lançamento de mais uma versão do Foresight Linux, versão 2, mantendo a tradição de sempre lançar uma nova versão junto com o GNOME! Um monte de 2! :) Eu quero parabenizar todo mundo que colaborou pelos últimos 6 meses, especialmente a equipe Brasileira de tradutores, que mais uma vez entregou um ambiente de GNOME 100% traduzido, e a galera do Foresight por entregarem uma excelente combinação de tecnologia de ponta (PulseAudio, PackageKit, Syslinux)!
Wild Deuces and a Bitter Sweet Moment
Mar 12, 2008Today is a very special moment for all of those who were involved with the release of yet another stable GNOME, version 2.22. It also marks the release for another stable Foresight Linux, version 2, keeping the tradition of always releasing together with GNOME! That is a lot of number 2s! :) I want to congratulate everyone who’s helped for the last 6 months, specially the Brazilian translation team that once again delivered a 100% translated GNOME desktop, and the Foresight guys for delivering a great combination of bleeding edge technologies (PulseAudio, PackageKit, Syslinux)!