Post Entries
What\'s the Big Idea?
Apr 03, 2008Starting this Thursday, April 3, 2008 I’ll be attending this year’s What’s the Big Idea?, a series of lectures given by UNC Chapel Hill scientists focusing on genetics, ethics and human health. For a mere 30 dollars I was able to register for all four lectures! The topics are very interesting and close to my personal interests in bioinformatics and gene therapy. Did you know I have a degree in biochemistry?
Migrating to Google Code Follow up \#1
Apr 02, 2008So I have finally migrated BillReminder to Google Code, thanks to the helping hand of a few gents from Google. I did expect a full, smooth migration process but, for better or worse, there are a lot of manual steps that you have to perform before you can have the same structure (well, not the same but something usefull) from SourceForge. I figured I’d mention here some of the things I had to do for those who may find themselves wanting to do the same thing.
Good news from the Epiphany front
Apr 01, 2008Very cool news from the land of the Epiphany web browser this morning. Their decision to go with WebKit plus the synchronization with GNOME’s release cycle should appeal to a lot of new developers and contributors! If we could finally get Firebug for Epiphany (this GSoC idea needs a mentor!!!) I could stop using two different browsers. :)
Migrando para o Google Code \#1
Apr 01, 2008Na semana passada eu tinha escrito no meu blog em Inglês sobre minha tentativa frustrada em migrar o meu projeto BillReminder para o Google Code. Bem, graças a algumas boas almas da Google, eu finalmente consegui migrar o projeto!
Eu realmente tinha a expectativa de um processo completo e tranquilo mas (felizmente?) existem vários passos manuais que você deve efetuar antes de ter a mesma estrutura (hmmm… não igual, mas algo útil) da SourceForge.
Moving to Dreamhost
Mar 31, 2008For more than 4 years I had been a happy customer of That was until last year when my domain (shared) and the entire server went down for no apparent reason! My emails were completely ignored and to this day I don’t know what really happened.
This morning was the last straw for me. I have already signed a contract with dreamhost and will be migrating my two blogs in the next few days.
O codinome deste lançamento é uma brincadeira em Inglês. As unidades para milhão, bilhão, etc são million, billion… então a pergunta é: Se um milhão é million and um bilhão é billion, quanto é um Brazilian? :)
Este foi um pequeno lançamento onde alguns erros foram arrumados e algumas melhorias na parte gráfica para melhorar o workflow. Vale a pena mencionar as novas traduções para o Francês e Holandês, cortesia de Robert-André Mauchin e Daniel van Eeden, e o trabalho na interface gráfica feito pelo nosso hacker Brasileiro Laudeci Oliveira.
Switching from SourceForge to Google Code
Mar 30, 2008For the last 2 weeks I have (unsuccesfully) tried to migrate BillReminder from SourceForge to Google Code project hosting. I have filled out the web form to register a new project on Google Code, but since this project already exists in SourceForge, I have to go through an extra step where a message should be sent to the project lead (which happens to be me) requesting approval for this migration. The problem is that I always get a 500 page when I click on the submit button!