Post Entries
Moving on
Apr 15, 2008
Yesterday I sent out an email to the members of the Ubuntu Brazilian Council (of which I’ve been a member for quite some time now) informing of my decision to step down. For the last few months I have been extremely busy at work as well as keeping up with the translations for GNOME, XFCE, Ubuntu and my pet project BillReminder. As if this wasn’t enough, Kate, my youngest child is now 14 months old and walking all over the apartment… and Yv is almost 7 already!
Tenho um grande orgulho em apresentar o lançamento do Windmill Appliance! Construido com a tecnologia inovadora da rPath, está disponível para download como um ISO assim como também uma imagem VMWare para a sua alegria. "Mas para que exatamente serve este windmill appliance?", você pergunta. Que bom que você perguntou… O Windmill é um framework de testes em AJAX para interfaces web de código livre. Pelos últimos meses eu tenho usado e abusado deste software para estar apropriadamente a interface web de um de nossos produtos, e os resultados tem sido muito agradaveis.
The Windmill Appliance
Apr 14, 2008
I’m proud to announce the release of the Windmill Appliance! Built with the technology provided by rPath, it is currently available as a downloadable installable ISO as well as a VMWare image for you pleasure. Now, just what is the windmill appliance for, you may ask? Glad you did… Windmill is an Open Source AJAX Web UI Testing framework. For the last couple of months I have relied heavily on this software to properly test the web UI of one of our products, and the results have been quite pleasant.
Apr 11, 2008
This last Thursday I was surprised by Johan Dahlin when he showed me the new feature he’s adding to Stoq: colored coded categories. He said he was inspired by the same feature I added to BillReminder. Wow! I couldn’t help but feel very flattered with this… after all, Stoq is a great piece of software developed by a very clever crew!
Apr 11, 2008
Esta última quinta-feira fui surpreendido pelo Johan Dahlin quando ele me mostrou o novo recurso que ele está adicionando ao Stoq: categorias coloridas. Ele disse que tinha se inspirado no mesmo recurso que eu adicionei no BillReminder. Wow! Claro que fiquei super lisonjeado com isso… afinal de contas, o Stoq é um excelente software desenvolvido por uma turma super inteligente!
Prelude to letting go?
Apr 07, 2008
I meant to write this before but got really busy this past week. About 2 weeks ago I sent my oldest daughter Yv to spend her Spring break with my parents in New York. It was the very first time she went anywhere without my wife or me, and we were all very nervous about the whole thing. I worked from home that day so I wouldn’t have to drive back from work and then to the airport.
O Júlio Neto publicou uma mini entrevista que ele fez comigo pelo IRC outro dia e um review do BillReminder com direito a screencast e tudo! :) A versão é a 0.3 e não a mais recente, mas mesmo assim da para ver o potencial do programa. Bom saber que ele foi considerado uma parte importante do desktop dele. :) Valeu Júlio!