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About Tweeters
Jun 02, 2008
[10:29:10 AM] Dude: there’s way too many “social” networks to keep track of nowadays [10:29:51 AM] Og Maciel: hehehe [10:30:01 AM] Og Maciel: I’ve been using Tweet these days [10:30:10 AM] Og Maciel: but not as aggressively as some people [10:30:22 AM] Dude: the one that says what you are doing every hour? [10:30:25 AM] Og Maciel: sheesh, they “tweet” for every &%^$&@ thing they do [10:30:32 AM] Dude: yeah… [10:30:34 AM] Og Maciel: every minute even [10:30:42 AM] Og Maciel: “taking a crap” [10:30:42 AM] Dude: people spend more time tweeting more than doing what they are tweeting about [10:30:51 AM] Og Maciel: “out of tp” [10:30:53 AM] Dude: “reaching for toilet paper” [10:30:59 AM] Dude: “toilet paper ripped” [10:31:04 AM] Dude: “reaching again” [10:31:07 AM] Og Maciel: “turd is too compact… blockage” [10:31:12 AM] Dude: rofl [10:31:17 AM] Og Maciel: :)
Dedicated to my wife… "Let My Love Open The Door" Written by Pete Townshend When people keep repeating That you’ll never fall in love When everybody keeps retreating But you can’t seem to get enough Let my love open the door Let my love open the door Let my love open the door To your heart When everything feels all over When everybody seems unkind I bring you a four leaf clover Take all the worry out of your mind
Sobre Tweet
Jun 02, 2008
[10:29:10 AM] Dude: there’s way too many “social” networks to keep track of nowadays [10:29:51 AM] Og Maciel: hehehe [10:30:01 AM] Og Maciel: I’ve been using Tweet these days [10:30:10 AM] Og Maciel: but not as aggressively as some people [10:30:22 AM] Dude: the one that says what you are doing every hour? [10:30:25 AM] Og Maciel: sheesh, they “tweet” for every fucking thing they do [10:30:32 AM] Dude: yeah… [10:30:34 AM] Og Maciel: every minute even [10:30:42 AM] Og Maciel: “taking a crap” [10:30:42 AM] Dude: people spend more time tweeting more than doing what they are tweeting about [10:30:51 AM] Og Maciel: “out of tp” [10:30:53 AM] Dude: “reaching for toilet paper” [10:30:59 AM] Dude: “toilet paper ripped” [10:31:04 AM] Dude: “reaching again” [10:31:07 AM] Og Maciel: “turd is too compact… blockage” [10:31:12 AM] Dude: rofl [10:31:17 AM] Og Maciel:
Wish List
May 30, 2008
With my 34th birthday fast approaching I figured I’d publish my wish list in the off chance someone wants to buy me a gift? wink You’ll notice that a subscription to Linux Format magazine is ranked as my highest priority… double wink It just takes forever for me to get a hold of them here in the US via the book stores.
Give it a shot! pretty cool actually!
Descobri o Global Pandora depois de checar a dica anônima enviada no último artigo. Aparentemente trata-se de um site que te explica como ganhar acesso aos serviços do Pandora caso você não more nos Estados Unidos. Como eu moro nos Estados Unidos, ainda não testei a dica, mas aproveitei para checar outros sites de música online que estão listados no Global Pandora. Dentre eles, o AnywhereFM chamou a atenção por ser um serviço onde você pode enviar sua coleção de músicas e armazená-las para depois poder acessar de qualquer lugar!
I came across Global Pandora after checking out the anonymous tip left on my previous post. Apparently it is a site that explains how you can gain access to the services provided by Pandora in case you live outside the United States. I was not aware of this, but due to some legal mambo jambo, Pandora is only available in the US, which is a shame! Since I do live in the United States, I didn’t try out the tip, but took the time to check out some of the other music sites listed on Global Pandora.