Post Entries
My friend devnet told me today as we got some coffee about what was possibly one of the very first micro bloggers in history… when he finally gave me the link to this guy’s site I laughed so hard I almost had coffee (my precioussss) coming out of my nose! With posts such as “Tidying some pencils”, “Standing in the middle of the room” and “Looking at a wall”, it was really hard not to laugh!
Unfortunately the match between Brazil and Argentina was not broadcasted here in the United States (well, at least not here where I live). Out of nowhere my dad calls me from NY to tell me he had just seen this guy plug the TV in his pub to the net to watch the game. I quickly wrote down the url to the site: The feed wasn’t the greatest (quality-wise) from the Peruvian TV, but for those who really wanted to watch the game it was bliss!
Infelizmente o jogo de hoje entre Brasil e Argentina não foi televisionado aqui nos Estados Unidos (pelo menos não onde moro). Eis que meu pai me liga de NY para me dizer que viu um dono de bar plugando a sua televisão à internet para assistir a pelada. Rapidamente anotei o site: A imagem não era das melhores pela transmissão da televisão Peruana, mas para quem quer assistir, tava muito bom!
Dedicated to Nixternal
Jun 15, 2008
I would like to dedicate this book to my good friend nixternal. :)
Hoje é meu aniversário e agora tenho 34 anos. Também é o aniversário da minha mãe, e como ela tem tido problemas de saúde, decidi surpreendê-la e dirigi até NJ/NY. Pela primeira vez a viagem foi tranquila e levei somente 8 1/2 para chegar. A primeira coisa que fiz, e você vai rir disso, foi comprar comida Chinesa! Você nã acredita como que a comida Chinesa em North Carolina (ou talvez os lugares que fui?
So today is my birthday and I’m now 34. It is also my mother’s birthday, and as she’s been having some health issues, I decided to surprise her and drive up to NJ/NY. For the first time the trip went really smooth and it only took me 8 1/2 hours to get here. The very first thing I did, and you’re going to laugh at this, was to buy some Chinese food!
Introducing PyLyglot
Jun 05, 2008
As everyone knows I’m very involved with the translation efforts of several upstream projects and try to keep up with what’s going on with every single one of them. Starting about 3 weeks ago I realized that I relied too much on statistical information that wasn’t always up to date and sometimes there would be a program that would get newer code (sometimes resulting in changes to the translation strings) and go unoticed.