Post Entries
To post or not to post
Jul 01, 2008My latests posts have attracted a fair number of comments (thank every and each one of you for taking the time… really!), most of them in response to the issue at hand. Every now and then someone questions the validity of one of my chosen topics, claiming that it should be published on Planet X (my blog is syndicated on quite a few planets) because it doesn’t talk about technology. I understand that someone people may not enjoy reading every single topic that may be published (not only by me), for I am one of them… honest!
Where should your money go today?
Jun 30, 2008$162 billion for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan
New war
Relief for the American people
For some reason I can’t seem to be able to check the last 2 boxes.
PS: For those who don’t care or don’t want to read about this, exercise your mouse/keyboard and skip this post.
United States of Censorship
Jun 29, 2008it is amazing just how little real information gets its way to the American public these days. What we Americans call news must be the equivalent of a soap opera or comic stand up everywhere else in the world! The problem is so serious that for those who were born here and never left the country that you end up becoming utterly unaware of what else is going on around the world or, even worse in my oppinion, not knowing what kind of terrorism (our government calls it Foreign Policy) we are perpetrating outside of our borders.
The things you write when you have the stomach flu
Jun 27, 2008Been suffering from a nasty stomach flu since yesterday and, needless to say, it hasn’t been fun for me. Spent the entire day trying to get some rest but was too restless to fall asleep. I don’t know how many times I checked my email or browsed my rss feeds! Out of the many tabs I opened and closed in my browser, one remained open at all times: a link to a book called Essential SQLAlchemy!
Almost 200% new translations for BillReminder
Jun 25, 2008Amazing! There’s no other better way to describe the turn around for the translation progress of BillReminder after yesterday’s post/pledge! In less than 24 hours there were 8 new translations available bringing the total of available translations now to 17! Awesome! I want to thank every single person who took the time to lend me a hand!
During the course of merging the new stuff into the repository, I was a bit confused as far as the work flow for people who have their projects hosted on Launchpad but not necessarily host the source codein their bzr servers.
Help me translate BillReminder
Jun 24, 2008I need your help to get BillReminder translated into as many different languages as possible! Up until now I have relied on a list of collaborators who know how to work with a message catalog template (i.e. pot file) and use it to generate a translated message file (i.e. po file). I’m aware that a lot of people probably don’t know what I’m talking about and/or may feel uneasy about working with text files and what not… so I decided to set BillReminder up for translation via Rosetta, which can be reached here.
Vamos passar a sacolinha!
Jun 24, 2008Ajude a sustentar a Wikipédia e outros projetos, sem colocar a mão no bolso, e concorra a um Eee PC!
...e também a pen drives, card drives, camisetas geeks, livros e mais! O BR-Linux e o Efetividade lançaram uma campanha para ajudar a Wikimedia Foundation e outros mantenedores de projetos que usamos no dia-a-dia on-line. Se você puder doar diretamente, ou contribuir de outra forma, são sempre melhores opções. Mas se não puder, veja as regras da promoção e participe - quanto mais divulgação, maior será a doação do BR-Linux e do Efetividade, e você ainda concorre a diversos brindes!