Post Entries
Going back to school
Jul 22, 2008
I can finally talk about my great news: I’m going back to school this Fall! Everyone who knows me well knows how much I’ve wanted to be a Tar Heel! There is something about the University of North Carolina and Chapel Hill that makes me feel like this is where I belong. From the very first time I came here I fell in love with the place, people and places and I knew right there and then that one day I’d be calling it home some day.
Uma captura de tela do meu desktop no laptop do trabalho. A configuração atual tem o Openbox com uma tonelada de atalhos de teclado, PyPanel, Twitux, Glipper, Gajim e GNOME Xchat. Adicione o Terminator com vários paineis, Epiphany e Rhythmbox (ausentes na captura) e você tem todos os aplicativos que eu uso no dia a dia.
A screenshot of my work laptop. The current setup has Openbox for tons of keyboard keybindings, PyPanel, Twitux, Glipper, Gajim and GNOME Xchat. Add Terminator with lots of panels, Epiphany and Rhythmbox (not in screenshot) and you got the applications I use every day. UPDATE: Link to a larger screenshot.
Se você tem um projeto hospedado no Google Code (ou acompanha o desenvolvimento de um projeto) e não quer criar um Google Group somente para receber notificações (e-mail, rss) de commits ou relatórios de suporte/erro, existe um novo recurso que foi adicionado recentemente: No primeiro url, substitua PROJETO pelo nome do projeto que você deseja acompanhar. Depois é só adicionar o url no seu leitor de notícias preferido!
If you have a project hosted on Google Code (or follow the development of a project) and don’t want to create a Google Group so that you can receive notifications (email, rss) for repository or issue tracking commits, here’s a new feature that has been added: For the first url, change PROJECT to the project name you want to follow. Then, add the url to your favorite news reader.
I spent a good chunk of my evening trying to implement the automatic registration of a gconf schema file via a and… got nowhere. Seems that most people who wanted to do the same ended up running gconftool-2 directly as such: GCONF_CONFIG_SOURCE=`gconftool-2 —get-default-source` gconftool-2 —makefile-install-rule /etc/gconf/schemas/*.schemas Has anyone got any advice (patches would be awesome) to go with my code?
C’mon! What is up with the tabs fetish? ** My inkscape skills need a lot of love!*