Post Entries
Building a GNU/Linux Appliance: Step 1
Jul 30, 2008As some of you may know, I’ve been doing a great deal of testing for rBuilder Online, rPath’s online community service for all your GNU/Linux appliances needs. As a QA Enginner I have a chance to play with the most innovative technologies we create (and dare I say some of the coolest things in the system/package management world?) before it hits the general public.
It is because of this work and my recent super involvement with our products that I decided to create a videocast on how to create a virtual GNU/Linux appliance using rBuilder Online.
Converse com seus filhos sobre o Linux
Jul 30, 2008Talk to your kids about Linux
Jul 30, 2008Snagged from the original “Cautionary" strip.
[caption id=”" align=“alignnone” width=“665” caption=“Talk to your kids about Linux”][/caption]
Yv Scarlett Maciel: o primeiro ano
Jul 30, 2008Enquanto eu carregava 10,000 fotos no F-Spot ontem à noite, me perdi nas memórias de pessoas, lugares e eventos que vieram à tona… tudo começando com o nascimento da minha primeira filha Yv. Escolhei a dedo algumas fotos do primeiro ano dela e criei um álbum. É inacreditavel como o tempo realmente voa… ela vai completar 7 anos no final do ano!
Yv Scarlett Maciel: the first year
Jul 30, 2008[caption id=“attachment_519” align=“alignnone” width=“300” caption=“Yv Scarlett Maciel: the first year”][/caption]
As I uploaded 10000 pictures into F-Spot tonight, I got lost in the memories of people, places and events that they brought back… everything starting with the birth of my first daughter Yv. I cherry picked a few pictures of her first year and created a set. It is amazing how time does fly… she’s going to be 7 at the end of the year!
Desktop client for Twitter and
Jul 28, 2008I’ve been using Ping.FM to update my Twitter and accounts for the last 2 weeks. That is all good and great but I needed a way to read the replies and feeds from those 2 accounts as well! My “solution” was to keep 3 tabs open in my browser and periodically refresh those pages to see if there was anything new. In comes Gwibber. It wasn’t until last night that I found out we had it packaged in our repositories (the WebKit branch) so today I decided to give it a go.
De volta à escola
Jul 22, 2008Agora eu posso finalmente falar sobre minha grande novidade: Eu estou voltando à escola este outono! Todo mundo que me conhece sabe o quanto eu queria ser um Tar Heel! Existe algo sobre a Universidade de North Carolina e Chapel Hill (cidade onde moro) que me faz sentir que aqui é o meu lugar. Desde a primeira vez que eu vim aqui eu me apaixonei pela cidade, pessoas e lugares… e eu sabia então que um dia eu ainda iria chamá-lo de minha terra.