Post Entries
News Update
Aug 24, 2008
It’s been a while since I last wrote anything, mostly due to a few new changes that happened these last 3 weeks or so. Here’s a small list of some of the things that I can remember right now: My pet project BillReminder is now hosted in the GNOME SVN repository! It took me a while to get the right resources and free time to migrate everything, but I believe that it is now completed.
Você gostaria de ajudar o projeto Brasileiro de traduções do GNOME? Você se considera um conhecedor de geografia mundial? Sabe inglês o suficiente para responder “the book is on the table” e “do you chupis cana?” Então eu gostaria de conversar com você!!! Existe um componente do GNOME que lista vários locais e cidades do mundo, chamado libweather. Para o próximo lançamento do GNOME, vários novos locais foram adicionados e seria muito bom ter alguém com um conhecimento avançado em geografia nos ajudar!
Pandora swag
Aug 12, 2008
Today I received a mysterious package in the mail. Turns out it was some swag from Pandora: a hat and some stickers. You know what the best part was? Not the cool hat or stickers, but the letter that accompanied the items in the envelope. It was actually manually signed (i.e. not a print out) by Lucia Willow, Community Manager, and Tim Westergren, Founder. It is the kind of attention to details that makes a huge difference!
Hoje recebi um pacote misterioso pelo correio. Trata-se de uns bagulhos (swag) da Pandora: um chapel e alguns adesivos. Sabe qual foi a melhor parte? Não foi o chapel bacana ou os adesivos, mas a carta que acompanhou os itens no envelope. Estava manualmente (ou seja, feito na mão mesmo) assinada pela Lucia Willow, Gerende da Comunidade, e Tim Westergren, Fundador. É justamente a atenção à estes pequenos detalhes que fazem uma diferença enorme!
A while back I was asked by a member of a Ubuntu translation team (who shall remain anonymous) about how the Brazilian team’s workflow worked and how we managed to maintain our position among the top translated teams in Rosetta. What follows was my reply to this person. I hope it will prove to be useful to any other team out there who may be struggling with the same issues. I’m also interested to learn how other teams managed to keep their members involved and/or how others can benefit from their experience.
Prá que complicar?
Aug 04, 2008
Aug 04 12:06:15 —- gmazk has changed the topic to: Canal oficial brasileiro do Openbox | Nova versão está filé! | Comunidade Openbox-BR no Orkut: | Seja bem vindo(a)!  Aug 04 12:06:37 —- ChanServ removes channel operator status from gmazk Aug 04 12:12:41 gmazk: afff… Orkut irmao?  Aug 04 12:13:51 Por que não? Se usado de forma séria.. O ssantiago está colocando umas dicas legais sobre o Openbox nessa comunidade.
BarCamp Raleigh 2008
Jul 31, 2008
This weekend I’ll be attending BarCamp Raleigh for the second year in a row. Together with a couple of fellow rPathians, I’m planning to pitch in the following talks: Building GNU/Linux appliances and deploying them in the clouds How to participate and contribute with open source projects like GNOME, KDE, XFCE, Openbox, etc If you’re one of the lucky ones who managed to register in time for the event, tomorrow there will be a get together (think drinks, snacks and all the trilug geeks you can fit in a bar) at Tyler’s Tap Room (map).