Post Entries
Another coffee flavor moment
Sep 04, 2008From the same people that brought you Frank Sumatra, I present you Bean Martin!
Mais outro café do dia
Sep 04, 2008Do mesmo pessoal que trouxe o Frank Sumatra, apresento o Bean Martin!
Coffee flavor of the day
Sep 03, 2008Today’s coffee flavor of the day at work: Frank Sumatra! :)
Sabor do café do dia
Sep 03, 2008O sabor do café do dia no trampo: Frank Sumatra! :)
I have! I just recently got a hold of a US$30 Amazon gift certificate for participating of a 1-hour phone study. I could have used it and bought something for me, right? Instead, I decided to present it to Jacek Åšliwerski, the guy behind Open-Tran. There is not a day that I don’t use it for my translations, as I can use its awesome comparisson tools to QA my work!
A resposta é X, mas fala diferente
Aug 28, 2008Há vários meses, quando eu ainda era parte do Conselho do Ubuntu Brasil, eu convoquei uma reunião com todos os membros oficiais do Ubuntu Brasil para decidirmos o que fazer para melhorar a situação do nosso servidor. Dentre as minhas sugestões, eu propuz:
migrar os serviços (Planeta, wiki, web page, etc) para um servidor novo; deixar a administração destes serviços por conta dos empregados da Canonical; migrar as listas de discussão para serviços que não dependessem do servidor antigo, como o Google Groups; migrar o Planeta para usar o software PlanetPlanet; Na época eu mediei toda a discussão e dividi tarefas para que todas as coisas decididas durante a reunião pudessem ser acompanhadas por alguem.
Lessons I learned as a translation guy
Aug 28, 2008This post is my 2 cents about Jad’s latest post trying to stir things up and attract more translators to the Ubuntu community! Having led the Brazilian team for a couple of years myself, I wanted to point out a couple of things I’ve learned along the way. Obviously advices are best taken when asked for, but here it goes anyway:
Beware that 300 volunteers working at the same time without a robust and clear way of knowing who’s doing what will make it impossible for your team to manage; Also, with this many people contributing with single, hand picked strings is extremelly detrimental to the overal quality of the entire package, not to mention the entire suite; I have always liked the idea of contributions being done upstream first, and then tricklying it down to distros and what not.