Post Entries
Amazing Inkscape videocasts
Sep 25, 2008I felt compelled to blog about this great site full of amazingly professional Inkscape screencasts! is an amazing blog that I have been following for a while and I highly recommend it for those who want to learn a trick or two or for anyone who wants to see a well done screencast!
Screencasts do Inkscape de primeira classe
Sep 25, 2008Tive de tirar um tempinho para comentar sobre este site super maneiro cheio de screencasts do Inkscape muito bem feitos! é um blog que venho acompanhando há algum tempo que eu recomendo para aqueles que desejam aprender um truque novo ou para qualquer um interessado em ver como que um screencast profissional deve ser feito!
A few updates
Sep 24, 2008BillReminder has attracted a new enthusiast who has brought a lot of interesting ideas to the mailing list. The coolest part is that we both share a lot of ideas in common and I have already started to write some code to pave the way to more reporting and some true home accounting features. After spending some time changing the charting module from the hamster-applet project to do what I needed, I came to learn about a pretty cool project for graphing with Cairo and Python called CairoPlot!
GNOME 2.24
Sep 24, 2008Congratulations to all parties involved!!! As always, you can count on a 100% translated Brazilian Portuguese edition!
Alguns updates
Sep 23, 2008BillReminder atraiu um novo entusiasta que trouxe um monte de idéias interessantes para a lista de discussão. A melhor parte é que compartilhamos muitas de nossas idéias e eu já comecei a escreer código para preparar o caminho para mais recursos de relatórios e de um verdadeiro sistema de contabilidades doméstico. Depois de passar algum tempo modificando o módulo gráfico do projeto hamster-applet para fazer o que eu precisava, fiquei sabendo de um outro projeto muito bacana chamado CairoPlot!
Ubuntu translations: let\'s make it work!
Sep 23, 2008Just created the following Ubuntu Brainstorm idea called “Translation workflow and collaboration with upstream”. It is based off the blueprint I created a while back in an attempt to improve the relationship between Ubuntu and upstream translation projects.
Everyone who knows me well knows how important translations are to me! How I strive to get people to always work with upstream and then let their work trickle down to distributions!
3\... 2\... 1\... Say Cheese!
Sep 22, 2008With the soon to be released GNOME version 2.24, you’ll find the new version for Cheese, a pretty slick application that “allows you to take photos, videos, and anything else you can think of with your webcam.” My kids and I have spent quite some time playing with the special effects, often combining a bunch of them to see who could come up with the silliest shot.
When Daniel asked me if he could use some of my shots to create a tour for the new release, it gave us one more reason to play with Cheese.