Post Entries
Using Dropbox with Openbox
Oct 23, 2008I’ve been a GNU/Linux user for quite some time now, but it wasn’t until 2 years ago that I became a fulltime user. Being a .NET and Oracle developer by day working for the Department of Education of NYC, I had a standard developer environment at my desk and nothing else. That means that I could not install anything else on my system, due to some extremelly archaic policies put in place by the employer (I couldn’t even search for information online and was told I should do it from home and bring the results to work the next day!
With last night’s VP debate still fresh in my memory and the entire “rescue plan” that is about to rape us all, I went through all the comments that people have added to my latest posts and wanted to make a few comments.
First off, I was one of those who up until 5 years ago wanted nothing to do with politics… not only that, I was also happy with being a green card holder and saw no advantages in becoming a citizen.
As the bailout bill comes back to the House\...
Oct 02, 2008… let your US Congressmen know your opinion. I just did!
Also, a couple of interesting bits in the news:
Report cites partisan manipulation in voter Student voter suppression in Virginia
Get your pork right here!
Oct 02, 2008This is disgusting! If you’re still one of those who think that the bailout plan is for the good of the entire nation with no hidden agendas, think again! Bundled in the bailout plan there are several ridiculous provisions that will cost you and me several billion dollars! Sure they’ve added a few sweetners to the deal, but why not then create a single, clean piece of legislation to deal with the major issue?
My 5 a day
Oct 02, 2008Can’t see it? Click here and share!
If you\'re from North Carolina, USA\...
Oct 01, 2008… please consider contacting our representatives and voice your opinion about the current economic situation and the upcoming issue to be voted by the senate.
Senator Elizabeth H. Dole: Senator Richard M. Barr: web form Don’t live in North Carolina but want to contact your representative? Look them up! You may want to drop a line to both candidates running for the presidency as well. I did!
If things could be resolved by our children
Sep 29, 2008Something interesting happened today. As my wife and I talked about the economic bailout during dinner, we didn’t notice that Yv, my soon-to-be-seven-year-old was paying close attention to what we were saying. The following is a pretty close description of the dialogue that followed:
Yv: … where are they getting US$700? Me: They’re taking the mine from us and every other family. Yv: Have they asked you if it is ok to do it?