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if you like Openbox and want to play with the upcoming 3.4.8 version, download the release candidate 1 here: Keep in mind that you’ll have to patch obconf by basically replacing ‘obrender-3.0’ and ‘obparser-3.0’ to ‘obrender-4.0’ and ‘obparser-4.0’ respectively in the file. Or you use a conary-based system, there is a version packaged directly from their git repository which you can install by running sudo conary update
Day of Remembrance
Nov 20, 2008
I’d like to second Davyd’s post about the 10th Day of Remembrance. It pains me to know that even today with all the technological and intellectual progress we’ve made, there are people out there who just cannot accept and/or respect other people’s choices. For those hiding behind a bible to defend their actions, maybe your god should teach you more tolerance… Yeah, comments will be turned off. I don’t plan to spend my day fending off any comment that will tell me that their rights are more important that somebody else’s.
Get out and vote!
Nov 04, 2008
If you are elligible to vote for the election taking place in the United States of America, please excercise your right to vote. Go out and vote to your candidate OR to whomever you feel will do their best to represent your community’s best interest! Also, if you live in California and meet the requirements to vote, please consider voting against Proposition 8! Today marks the first time I participated in any presidential election ever in my life!
Meus parabéns para todos aqueles envolvidos com a tradução de software livre, especialmente para aqueles que entendem a diferença entre QUANTIDADE e QUALIDADE. Este post é para vocês!: When officials asked for the Welsh translation of a road sign, they thought the reply was what they needed. Unfortunately, the e-mail response to Swansea council said in Welsh: “I am not in the office at the moment. Please send any work to be translated”.
Kudos for everyone involved with the translation of open source software out there, specially for those understand the different between QUANTITY and QUALITY! The following is for your enjoyment: When officials asked for the Welsh translation of a road sign, they thought the reply was what they needed. Unfortunately, the e-mail response to Swansea council said in Welsh: “I am not in the office at the moment. Please send any work to be translated”.
A few years back I created the irc channel #tradutores (translators in Brazilian Portuguese) on the Freenode server, a place where anyone involved with the translation process of open source software could hang out, chat, ask questions and share their experience with other fellow translators. A place with no association to a given project or distribution, where you could find people working for several groups such as GNOME, KDE, XFCE, Fedora, Foresight, Ubuntu, all sharing the same goal: improve the quality of open source translations for Brazilian Portuguese!
Algum tempo atrás eu criei o canal #tradutores na Freenode, um lugar onde pessoas que trabalham com traduções de software livre podem bater papo e tirar dúvidas, sem vínculos com nenhuma distribuição ou projeto em específico. Lá você encontrará pessoas que trabalham no GNOME, KDE, XFCE, Fedora, Foresight, Ubuntu, todos trabalhando com o mesmo intuito: melhorar a qualidade das traduções em nosso idioma! Uma coisa que eu sempre quiz ter foi uma forma de ser notificado toda vez que algum projeto tivesse a tradução de algum programa (ou pacote no nosso “jargão”) atualizado.