Post Entries
Transifex adds new features, wins more hearts
Apr 22, 2010[caption id="" align=“alignleft” width=“400” caption=“Spring signs by cuellar”][/caption]
It has been a great Spring for, everyone’s favorite open source translation portal! Things felt a bit quiet since their latest release, but the Transifex guys were secretly working on some really nifty features!!! This Tuesday they lifted their shroud of secrecy to reveal to the world these yummy new features:
Team Discussion Board: Each translation team now has a discussion board.
Help sponsor Mercurial development!
Apr 21, 2010[caption id="" align=“alignright” width=“240” caption=“Mercurial is the bee’s knees”][/caption]
Anyone who has ever added a project to BitBucket already knows what Mercurial is, but for those who have never heard about it, “it is a free, distributed source control managemt tool that can efficiently handle projects of any size and offers an easy and intuitive interface.” In other words, in the world of Distributed Version Control (Systems), or DVCS or short, Mercurial is the bee’s knees!
*Sometimes, contributing back to upstream open source projects is not as straight forward as one may think. “Helping downstream translations swim upstream” will be a new series of articles where I intend to explain the issues contributors may face when attempting to send translations back to upstream projects, and hopefully, devise a couple of possible solutions.*
In the past few years we have seen an astonishing growth of companies that started using Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) bits and pieces in their products.
This comes straight from the Useful Django Tip department: How do you reset the admin password for a Django project when you’ve forgotten it?
Bruce Kroeze suggested using Django’s shell to resolve this common issue and one of the comments his post received nailed it:
[omaciel@crutches souschef]$ python shell Python 2.6.5 (r265:79063, Mar 22 2010, 10:30:12) Type "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information. IPython 0.10 -- An enhanced Interactive Python.
Quotes to brighten your day
Apr 18, 2010[caption id="" align=“alignright” width=“333” caption=“Cheer Up Honey Pie by Auntie P”][/caption]
Kind of ironic how my post titled “Stop whining and improve your life" attracted so much negativity in the comments area. It became very clear to me, however, that most were just too eager to make assumptions about my intention or probably wanted to vent a bit. Those who know me personally or have followed my blog for a while know that I don’t live in a fantasy world (though sometimes Chapel Hill can feel that way) filled with unicorn and cotton candy clouds.
Week in Review: April 12 - 16th, 2010
Apr 17, 2010Here’s what happened this week:
Radio Tray 0.5.1 "It is with great pleasure that I announce the release of Radio Tray 0.5.1! I have been following the development of this tiny streaming media player from the very start and even cloned it so that I could play with it on BitBucket." Stop whining and improve your life "During your day to day conversation with your friends and family members, do you find yourself talking about work or life in general in a negative manner?
[caption id="" align=“alignleft” width=“240” caption=“can i keep the bag? by jek in the box”][/caption]
From the “better than sliced bread” department, I bring you Terminator! No, not that terminator. This Terminator:
“Terminator is a program that allows users to set up flexible arrangements of GNOME terminals. It is aimed at those who normally arrange lots of terminals near each other, but don’t want to use a frame based window manager.