Post Entries
One of my New Year’s resolution for 2010 was the ambitious goal of reading one book for every week of the year! In other words, to read a total of 52 books for 2010! I knew that it would be very hard to complete this resolution without cheating and choosing thin books but I figured: “Aim for the moon, that way, even if you miss you’ll still be amongst the stars!
Spent a good chunk of my free time reading all 9 (out of 10) parts of Lovelace and Babbage Vs The Organist this weekend! I don’t know where to begin to describe how incredibly awesome this comic is! The graphics, the clever writing and jokes, even the sometimes absurd plot twists all combine for delivering a fantastic, fun reading experience! I highly recommend that you read at least a few episodes and allow yourself to wander around the many links and tidbits about Charles Babbage, Ada Lovelace, Quasiamicable Pair, musical instruments, math and many other items in the notes section!
Just passing along the information sent by Andre Veri on behalf of the GNOME Membership Committee to announce our new members (in no particular order): Zachary Goldberg (PyGi, Zhaan, Bug Filing, UPnP Hacking) Sebastian Dröge (GStreamer, Debian packaging) Sumana Harihareswara (Marketing, GNOME Journal, Empathy) Jelle de Jong (Bugreporting, Debian packaging, Marketing, Testing) Christer Edwards (Sysadmin Team) Pablo Castellano (Buoh maintainer, Bug fixing and Triaging for Seahorse and JHbuild) José Aliste (Gedit-plugins, Evince) Daniël van Eeden (Dutch Translations and GUADEC 2010) Francisco Diéguez Souto (Translation to Galician language, Coordination of Galician language) Jeremy Perry (GNOME Shell design) Thank you all for the splendid work, dedication and support you have shown and welcome to the GNOME Foundation!
It’s been a while since I last wrote anything here, mainly because I have been working very hard on a very cool project for work that I can now finally talk about it. rPath, the place where I have been working for the last 4+ years has just announced the release of rBuilder 5.8, bringing “model-driven, version-controlled system automation deeper into the enterprise with active inventory management and support for Windows”.
I got back from the Boston Summit around 22:00 Sunday evening and by the time I arrived home from the airport I was too tired to write up a blog post. Then Monday morning came and after all the meetings, work and side projects, I decided to spend some quality time with my kids, as I had not seen them since Friday evening. The second day was very busy and full of things to do and interesting discussions.
Finally sat down to write down about my first day attending the Boston Summit 2010 but Paul [1] and Jason[1,2,3] already beat me to it. From my perspective, it was really nice to finally meet face to face with some of my fellow Board members and make new friends! I want to thank Novell for hosting us at their office for our Board meeting (there should be a picture of us posing in front of a Novell logo) and our gracious host.
This weekend I’ll be attending my first Boston Summit, courtesy of theGNOME Travel Committee! It will also be my very first time meeting my fellow members of the GNOME Foundation Board of Directors, which makes me very excited! I wanted to ask you, readers of my blog, what kind of questions would you like me to ask on your behalf? Do you have any constructive comments or feedback for us? What are the areas you feel that we should invest more of our resources on and which ones should we spend less?