Post Entries
Novo Episódio do Castálio Podcast
Mar 07, 2011Está no ar o mais novo episódio do Castálio Podcast, desta vez com uma entrevista do Karlisson Bezerra, designer web e ilustrador da tirinha Nerdson não vai à escola! Descubra um pouco mais sobre como que o Karlisson se inspira para escrever suas historinhas e sobre o seu plano de conquista do universon. Vale a pena checar!
Git In The Trenches
Mar 04, 2011Git In The Trenches, or GITT is a pretty cool project by my friend Peter Savage, “designed to be a book that focusses on teaching people to use Git by associating with scenarios that are experienced by a fictional company called Tamagoyaki Inc. Through reading about their day to day lives, the reader will learn not only how to use Git, but why version control systems are important and how to implement them within an organisation.
Barrabin Barrabash: Penal Process
Feb 25, 2011Barrabin Barrabash, the Great, yearns for his freedom and digs deep into his magic tricks to scape prison, in another one of my translations from the original by Karlisson Bezerra.
Apresentando o Castálio Podcast
Feb 21, 2011Só queria anunciar mais um novo projeto que iniciei com o meu amigo Evandro Pastor. Trata-se do Castálio Podcast.
No primeiro episódio (Episódio Zero) o Evandro armou uma emboscada e me entrevistou, com direito a perguntas sobre como ingressei no mundo do software livre, meu passado junto à comunidade Ubuntu Brasil, distribuições e aplicativos favoritos.
Interessado? Quer saver o motivo do nome do podcast? Dê uma conferida e passe a dica para os amigos.
Barrabin Barrabash: Abra Unix Cadabra
Feb 18, 2011Barrabin Barrabash, the great is once again up to no good with his tricks in yet another one of my translations of Karlisson Bezerra's original work. Enjoy it and have a wonderful weekend!
Moving WordPress Blog to Amazon's EC2
Feb 16, 2011You probably remember reading about my issues with running my WordPress-based blog on Dreamhost's environment, and how frustrated I was with the experience of using their Private Server services. The short version is that I eventually migrated my blog back to their shared hosting environment, turned off most of the plugins and cried myself to sleep.
The very next day, after reading (and replying to) the comments I received, one in particular caught my eye: Amazon’s Free Usage Tier offering new customers the following EC2 services each month for one year:
Barrabin Barrabash: SQL Inception
Feb 13, 2011Remember my last post about the comic strip my friend Karlisson Bezerra created to explain how Creative Commons licenses work? Well, over this weekend I was talking to him and offered to translate one of my favorite strips to English (here’s the original in Brazilian Portuguese). I always get a kick out of this one and hope you’ll enjoy it too!
[caption id=“attachment_1329” align=“aligncenter” width=“600” caption=“Barrabin Barrabash: SQL Inception”][/caption]