[caption id="" align=“aligncenter” width=“432” caption=“My Mom and
Thank you Mom:
- For being my very first true love!
- For being strong enough, though only 24, when the doctors handed you on your birthday a tiny little boy with with Arthrogryposis Multiplex Congenita, a rare congenital disorder that is characterized by multiple joint contracturesand can include muscle weakness and fibrosis (Wikipedia article).
- For seeing hope where others saw despair!
- For going against everyone and everything that told you to conform and give up on me!
- For the many hours you spent travelling by bus with me on your lap so you could bring me to a specialist!
- For choosing not to believe when they also told you there was no cure for me!
- For the many times you’ve gone hungry so I could eat!
- For being strong enough and hold back your tears when you heard me cry as you forced me to do physical therapy!
- For teaching me to never feel sorry for myself!
- For teaching me to never give up!
- For teaching me to be strong!
- For teaching me to dream!
- For teaching me to laugh but also to cry!
- For being there for me when things got tough!
- For teaching me how to dance and swim!
- For the many hours you spent making sure I did my homework and understood the subjects!
- For helping me mend a broken heart during the teenage years!
- For teaching me to respect all forms of life!
- For teaching me to be open minded!
- For teaching me to count my blessings!
- For never letting me sit on my butt and accept mediocrity!
- For being such a great mother-in-law to my wife!
- For being an amazing grandmother to my kids!
- For being such an inspirational person and a role model for our family!
- For shaping my entire life and for bringing these tears of joy I have right now just to thing how blessed I am for having you as my mom!
Happy Mothers Day Mom!